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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Yeah, as a cartoon series it would suck, but as a comic, it's fantastic. One of my favorites, when it actually comes. I absolutely cannot wait for the next issue.
  2. Wow.... it looks like decent Saturday morning cartoons, but they actually managed to ruin all of the character designs and neuter all of the dark gritty appeal that made the series so awesome. And they wrecked the Iron Man, design, so I'm utterly crushed. UIM is one of my favorite suit designs ever, and I'm absolutely the biggest Iron Man fan EVER.
  3. Oh no you guys, someone herer's not gonna use Tamiya paitns now. That dick might come over here and lock this thread so I can't "Mislead people about an amazing modelling product" here either... and while I can understand all you guys who swear by the stuff, I have talked to quite a few people who realy hate the stuff and think it is utter garbage, so obviously it can go either way.
  4. Thanks for the reply WM... that seems like alot of help. I didn't thin all of the coats, just the one that was a bit thick in the bottle. I realize my post was a bit, cranky, but trust me, that's not how I model at all And yes, Citadel paints are amazing. The only problem I ahve with Citadel is the consistency of some of the paints... some of them have a waxyish finishm but usually they are fine. I'll be stripping this model in the next few days and repainting it with materials I'm conforatable with.... and I definetaly won't be going back to that website for help. And buglips, I can't imagine using these paints on miniatures... you must be crazy or something. I think some nice minis will be a good change of pace after this distasteful experience tho...
  5. Hmm.... your catalog needs more Destroid.
  6. I don't think that was it... I used the same comment, but it didn't have the wtf subtitle, so it really wasn't too innapropriate... and it isn't too angry of a comment, more of a list of the faults I found. He closed the thread 'so that I couldn't mislead anymore people on a great product.' I can't decide if I'm more pissed now about the paints or how big an a-hole this guy is.
  7. Awesome. Guess I'll be buying that comic too. Someone has got to make that Grimlock and Starscream.
  8. Well, primer seems to be a universal consensus as to at least part of my dillema... It could ahve been old paint too, DH, as I bought it from this dinky little store that I doubt sells out of the stuff often. Thanks for the advice though guys, but for right now at least this stuff sounds more complicated than it's worth. At least I actually got help on this forum. I posted the same comment on a Gundam modeling forum, and the site owner (who's models are /clearly/ better than mine) posted back that I was obviosuly an idiot, locked my thread, and put me on some kind of 'posting probation.' All I can say is "Well, there goes the fun in that hobby."
  9. I washed the plastic parts thouroughly and thinned the paints with watert (I brush paint.)
  10. Well, Godzilla's happy, so thus the rest of us are happy
  11. Alright, this might seem newbie-ish and frustrated, but I'm really pissed off. Has anyone else here ever used Tamiya paints on a model? I ask because I just finished a Zaku with it, and I think I'm going to have to strip it or something and I'm really mad because I'll have to buy a new decal sheet and ruin the model doing it. To start off, I had an absolutely aweful time working with the stuff to begin with. First, it covered awefully after being shaken up a whole heck of a lot. Second, I tried to weather a part with Tamiya Smoke, and the smoke ate the other paint! So, I had to clean up that mess. Another problem is that the stuff only takes about 48 hours for a thin coat to dry to the touch. Anything before that and you'll have a model covered in fingerprints. Next, inks over the stuff suck. The finbsih is wretched, and the inks pool and cling together, not getting into the crevices and pooling on all the wrong surfaces or simply dripping right off (It's not a bad ink mix, I've been doing inks for years.) Next, after finally getting the model done and sealed, I leve it to sit for quite a long while (long enough for any other model to be rock hard dried and fhinished) and as soon as I start the final assemblies and touching the kit, the paint chips ALL OVER! Honestly, when I look at the model funny, paint chips off. Basically all the paint on the upper legs by the skirt armor, the tops of the feet by the ankle armor, the wrist where the gun contacts it, everywhere. This stuff has got to be the worst paint I've ever used, and now I don't know what to do short of stripping the model and compeltley redoing it with some good old fashioned Citadel paints and proper stuff. Has anyone else ever used this crap? Did I do something horribly wrong with the paint, or worse, something horribly wrong to deserve such misfortune? And then after all that, the stuff is relatively expensive. I buy paints that cost more than this and they are amazing, some of the best paints on the market, and then I buy a couple pots of this crap, and it is utter garbage. All I can say is, what the hell?
  12. DA, that's not War Within, that's WWII GI Joe. I've got WWI, but I want to know if those World War Two made it into a comic?
  13. Was that comic released? Those WWII designs are amazing.
  14. As far as I'm concerned, UC is basically the only watchable stuff. Wing wasn't bad, but SEED and G are just utter crap. We need a new UC side story or something to bring the franchise back to basics...
  15. Honest to god, wtf were the G-Gundam production team smoking? Not that SEED was much better, but G Gundam is mind numbingly retarded....
  16. Does that Thunderclapper transform? It looks like it'd make a sweet armor.
  17. I love how you've got the Dendrobium box underneath the one.... They both look great. The METEOR design almost makes up for SEED's otherwise suckiness.
  18. Yes, books must be read on paper. None of this electronic crap.
  19. I'm thinking a little clear nail polish on the clips or something.... I used clear nail polish on the wrist ball joint and socket and it tightened up very nicely for holsind the gunpod.
  20. I got two extras of each as well. And Kensai, I got mine into a grenade lobbing pose, so nyah! If you pose the open hand right, you can sit the grenade mostly flat so that it catches on one of the two last fingers and isn't actually gripped but sits steadily enough and looks great. I white glued 5 of the grenades in place because I hate how they mount and they are very loose, but one I left free so that it can be used for poses One thing though, has anyone else noticed that the bottom crotch-plate (the one that can be either large or small) is incredibly loose? At least whem trying to pose the legs, it must force the crotch armor just right to flex and drop the bottom plate, but I find that I am always flipping the whole valk over to fix that plate...
  21. But that's a WHEN not an IF right?
  22. Is that confirmed as the Stealth Valk? I thought those were pics from the credit card exclusive black valk from a while back that we all saw pictures of but never saw any actual release pics of because it was so limited.... I personally am SO psyched. I would love another non-white 1/48 in my collection.
  23. I've got a PSP and I put tons of downloaded media on it.... I watched the last few epsiodes of Elfen Lied in bed on it the other day when I was sick... I don't know how to do DVDs though, but I would sure love to learn how. I can think of nothing better than bringing Super Troopers with me whereeer I go The only thing I've found is that I don't seem to be able to convert some .mkv video files to PSP format (Quicktime mpeg-4) Which is upsetting because this is most of my Gundam series....
  24. Wow! That box is gorgeous. Now if only Priums wasn't just another oversized goofy figure I don't have room for...
  25. Wow Graham that is all fantastic news! I really want to see how they handled the working rear landing gear... sounds awesome.
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