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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. That is a gorgeous model. Really neat idea too, combining the three suits.
  2. The WWI Prime looks fantastic. The mini figs look neat too, but the Megs looks just aweful!
  3. That Unicron is just.....odd... and boy oh boy does Mirage have a gorgeous car mode. Bot mode seems iffy at this point... the hips and knees look questionable, and the shoulders seem off...
  4. The Shiki razor was in the December Hobby Japan (the one with the MkII v2 and the Zeta v2 on the cover.) Kinda goofy, but awesome all the same.
  5. I have Citadel stuff too, but it's all colors for specific paint schemes, so I don't waste it. I've never had a problem with the Krylon stuff before, and I use it all the time... this was just incredibly strange. The model seems to be fine now though, so I'm not terribly worried, I'm just going to have to try something else next time...
  6. YES!! So glad Graham has made up with Yamato... not gonna ask who you had to blow, but it's great news all the same.
  7. I agree. While harsh at times, A1 is an essential part of MW for his ability to take a joke... and while I don't thing Mac7 should really be considered Macross, there is certainly a right way and a wrong way to make an opinion known, and A1 has seemed a bit heavy handed towards the Mac7 threads lately...
  8. Hmm...I'd like to read a review of the valk toy... it might be a neat and fun little addition to my 1/100 scale collection of MG kits and Koenig Monster...
  9. I wouldn't have believed you until today... I've used it on plastic before.. it was basic Krylon grey spray primer.... I've never had any issue wtih it before. The kit was salvageable, just a little textured now.
  10. I used most of this advice and had a primer disaster last night... the primer surface cracked first, so then I tried to strip it off with Simple Green and it started to eat the plastic where the primer had bonded...
  11. That thing is incredible.
  12. Well, if it makes you feel any better, it looks great!
  13. *Sigh* I wish I had a better camera so you'd pics of my weathered CF in the gallery...
  14. Hmm... the standing figure is very nice, and rather appealing, but the only thing that strikes me as odd is the seeming lack of more 'clothy' parts... I thought I remebered it being more of a cloth suit with armor plates, but perhaps I was wrong. I might have to debate getting one..it looks cool, but I'm not sure if painting all those smooth curves would be fun...
  15. Hurin, I think I was the first person to break it... I started the other thread specifically devoted to warning people about it... I ddin't use just super glue on mine tho, I added a pin in the bar, so it's really strong now.
  16. Hmm..inetersting thread. I like SDF Macross alot, I Love DYRL's action scenes but don't care for the rest of the movie at all, I thought Macross II as an awesome movie, I Love Macross Plus the most of all (the opening of the first part of the OVA with Isamu fighting the battle armors was the greatest Macross action scene ever,) I haven't seen FB, and I've got Mac7 on dvd but only watched a few episodes so far.. .it was tolerable, and I'm sure it will get somewhat more intersting as it progresses, but undoubtedly it will not breach the mark of mediocrity, and it really dsoen't feel like Macross. EDIT: Almost forgot, I Loved Mac0, even if the storyline part was a bit kooky...
  17. Well, my favorite kid is either Butters or Token... And oh my god. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I just watched the Scientology episode, and it was abolsultely amazing. So perfect.
  18. Anyone here ever used Flo-quil? My uncle is sending me some, and I am curious if anyone here has used it. And I think I'll be going back to metal minis very very soon.... tonight was a disasture.... I primed my the armor of my MG Acguy with grey Krylon, and it got all cracked and uneven, so I dunked it in some Simple Green to get the primer off, and it ate away the plastic that had primer on it... so now I ahve to clean up and fix the finsih on a bunch of parts. Anyone know what to use to smooth out the roughed up and deformed parts? It's gonna take something a bit stronger than sandpaper.
  19. How's about we just go back to the topic? I'll calm down and leave Fulcy alone and we can continue talking about weather or not Tamiya paints are good.
  20. Honestly, I don't even care at this point... I've been doing this kind of work for plenty of years now and am more than capable of having mature discussions about stuff, as can be seen from my conduct on plenty of other sites. FF obvisuly doesn't know where to draw the line between 'mature modelor' and 'flamming snob,' so I feel no real loss in being banned from an unhelpful site because I was blamed for something else I didn't do (and know nothing about.) I was working with a new medium that I was not well informed about and it did not go well. Obviously FF's site is not like any other, where the underlying question of "What did I do wrong here, can anyone help me?" would be understood, and apparently for me to have had a chance of getting any real help on his site I would have ahd to explicitly spell out that question... not that he'd been truly helpful on any question I ahd before then, alot of whcih were not dumbass newb questions... his idea of "help" is basically "read this article and shut up" and those articles were immensley useful, but somethimes it is essential to ahve a live person to tlak to about somethign new in order to learn it, and he obviosuly cannot grasp that concept.
  21. Awesome. I'm pretty excited about this release too... I've started watching Zeta, and while alot of these guys get killed, I'd realy like to get one of these kits and a GM to paint in AEUG colors.
  22. Honestly man, unless you have anything to add to my original query about the paints, I really don't care. I had a pretty reasonable question at first, and someone was beginning to comment back having had similar problems when he came over and just locked away in an incredibly immature fashion. And now I've been banned because you went and tattled on me like a little girl for being frustrated and he is blamming me for somehting else that I have no idea about seeing as I haven't posted since he probated me...
  23. Ahhahahhahah.... oh noooooooo!!! Seriosuly A1, do you have that top 5 reasons why M7 sucks post saved on your computer for quick posting? And Hurin, what message program is that?
  24. I....must...find an excuse to...preorder one... must..bribe mother... Those pics are weak because it isn't done right, but it is obvisouly going to be another gorgeous Yamato toy. I'd say that Yamato is 2 for 2 in 2006 so far with the GBP and this....
  25. Hmm...that looks like a toughie... you need something with a very wide angle of motion that will fit up in there... Something akin to the hip on the 1/48 would be ideal if you could get it to bend futher, but I'm not sure what to use or how to get it in there with enough range of motion...
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