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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Awesome, keen eye dude. That's totally doable looking with the actual figure... the paintwork is pretty simple, and the parts to be added are not fairly complex.
  2. Star Destroyer! We need pics! Is it a scratch build, or what?
  3. I just finally broke down and bought a Brave Gokin Ingram... the size of the Yamato Ingram is neat, but the price is alot... I'd definitely consider it if I found it on sale down the line tho.
  4. So is there a DDL for this one?
  5. What's the Gettai group's site so I can see when they upload stuff?
  6. I'm sold on Ravage the USB drive, and probably Blaster just for the figure. Still need ML Soundwave tho... damn expensive. These seem to be more competitively priced as toys with a function.
  7. Dammit... I just ordered the OVA version Ingram from HLJ on sale... I figured I'd get the OVA with the red shoulder unit since it's different from every other Ingram I own. Grabbed the Police version of the Taisyo vinyl as well I really want a Hercules, but it's out of stock. I really need to see the OVA version of Patlabor. I have the Manga release of the movies I and II with the dub, which is solid, even if the video quality isn't great, and P3 and the TV series on my comp, but I've never seen any of the OVAs anywhere.
  8. Dammit Drifand! I love the look of the Brocken, but the quality on it sounds terrible, but you're making it look SOOOO good! I really do need to pick up one of the Brave Gokin Ingrams as well from the look of it...
  9. I must be a shallow movie-goer... I have no intention of watching this for any sub-context or metaphorical content... I just want to watch Brad Pitt and some friends inflict some stylish and over the top violence!
  10. There was a pretty long trailer for this out like a month or two ago... looks pretty entertaining, even tho I don't really like Tarantino flicks.
  11. I'm still waiting for my Restock Alto from BBTS... if HLJ finally got them, hopefully I'll see mine soon.
  12. Flawless clean job! The shading is fantastically smooth, and the whole thing looks great. On a side note, as someone who also posts alot of images to the internet with labels and watermarks and such, I have to tell you, your watermark logo is eeeeennnormous! Seriously, it's a classy logo, but it could stand to be about a third as large, especially when it runs onto the model.
  13. Isn't this going to be.... umm... REALLY big??
  14. Thanks for the link RE! I'll try to watch this tonight.
  15. Hey, I posted a Wanted listing as well, but I figured I'd ask here as well... I really need the conical parts of the MG Z'Gok claws ASAP for a model I'm working on... I seem to have lost the ones I had. I'd even take a recast, I just really need replacements for these parts to keep working on this kit. PM me if anyone can help me out.
  16. When should we get episode 2 for DDL?
  17. Holeee crap! What an episode. Looks like the next one's gonna be a much lighter ep to let everyone catch their breaths.
  18. Just finished my first vinyl toy custom! It was an interesting change or pace, trying to combine 'realistic' weathering with a cartoony classic mecha ethos. Mechabot: A Hero Reforged
  19. I decided I didn't really want the Alto armor set and canceled my order. I don't have my 25F yet either. I'd like to get the RVF if I can get it for cheap.
  20. Holy crap! Even with the subtitles I only half understood what happened, but it was AWESOME! The commercial for GX-45 was slick as well.
  21. It's a pretty standard courtesy, and really better than not using them, and ruining someone's day.
  22. Bandai should buy the prototypes from Yamato from the 1/100 VF-0 we almost got... it'd fit right in this line.
  23. Awwww.... it's adorable! As a miniature painter, I'd love a modern-made set of mecha figurines to paint up
  24. I dunno... when I read the comics, I still hear basic Natasha Russian... it's better than the accent they had for her in the old 70's cartoon. Even in the latest Deadpool issue with the other Black Widow, I had a blast imagining all her lines as R&B Natasha.
  25. Are we expecting the mis-colored Luca's to drop in price because of the color? I like that figure, and with TokyoHunter telling me it'll cost more to ship the Alto super parts, if I could get the Luca set for cheap to have an armored valk, I'd kinda like to cancel my Alto set, because I don't even have the damn toy from BBTS yet and the armor ended up being pretty expensive.
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