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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Sounds awesome...hope you find it. It might actually redeem the middle four episodes of the series.
  2. I'll repaint it for ya! It'd be fun.... I've only got brushes tho...
  3. Yeah, what are the hands from the 3 bad men kit?
  4. So basically Graham already knows what it is but can't tell us unless we guess correctly?
  5. That might be part of my problem I have a few bottles of Valeijo paints and love them. They have wonderful color properties, fantastic consistency, and are absolutlely perfect for mixing and blending. Here are some pics of a model I used Valeijo on... the cape is Valeijo basic blue shaded and highlghted with just white or black I think.... the stuff really is awesome.
  6. EDIT: double post...see blelow
  7. But there's no TPB for the third story.... not that it seemed like it had a lot of promise from teh first few issues...
  8. I'm most interested in the side plates... more fixed pose DYRL hands would be fun too.
  9. I'll finish them for you! Seriously, it's a shame to see it without the funnels....
  10. Baronv, three volumes of TPBs? I've got the first two books and the first couple of issues of the third volume, but Dreamweave never finished the third... did someone else finish that wonky story and I miss it?
  11. Man, I'm so confused by the A1 of today.....
  12. Hahah, yeah, that is the only problem with CA glue, but it's still the best as far as I can tell.
  13. I have the series... I just want a dubbed or subbed version of the movies.
  14. Hmmm... sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind one to display san's external shell. Or maybe an exclusive clear armor covers set like the FPs...
  15. Best figure Matchbox ever made
  16. Is the second movie out? I really really want it...
  17. It's not really that big of an issue man... I'd just get one, you'll love it if you like the design. It's really an awesome and impressive toy.
  18. Yeah, I don't know anything about web design, sorry, but do you need me to re-send you all the Nichimo 1/200 scale pics I scanned in and sent you a while ago?
  19. I've gotta echo A1's comment about why they don't go out and find some vaoice-talented bilingual Macross fans to do dubs or at least help get the script correct...
  20. I think they were red in the series, but I could easily be wrong.
  21. I had an Action Master Bumblebee when I was a little kid, and it was my favorite Transformers toy of all time. It had this crazy transforming heli-backback that was just awesome. I oughta find one of those on eBay or something...
  22. Yeah, Citadel Primer can get too fast quickly if you are too heavy handed. This is true of most primers tho, but Citadel seems to be a little tiny bit thicker than most to prevent drips, which then also means that it will build up easier if you don't know what you're doing.
  23. Noone's really sure if there was a second run persay, or just a change in the handling of the launchers mid-run... there's no way to tell and the launchers are really a crapshoot, but they're really easy to fix in most cases if you do end up with a nerfed one.
  24. Man all you guys with stickered up pics are really makin me sad.... I can't wait for Anasazi to make the GBP decals so I can get to work on decalling and detailing mine.... it's just such a gorgeous toy.
  25. Hmm...interesting. I wish I could mark up the walls in my room to do something similar I've got an MG Acguy almost done and nowhere to put it!
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