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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I voted Mac+ because I would wnat to work at the test base and see the two planes... and all of the Sharon Apple concerts... and not ave to worry about any war... just a few small skirmishes in which super pilots kick ass anyay.
  2. NOO!! Save the fish!! MW's lifeblood is slowly trickling away... and it's all going to robotech.com!!
  3. Yeah, 4chan is pretty awesome...
  4. SUper God MasterForce gooooooooooooo!!!!! Henshin robo assault mega attacker bomb gun attack!!!
  5. There's something vaguely familiar about this avatar....
  6. I agree.... avatars are soooo helpful for finding posts. Even if they change alot, you get used to knwoung who changes them fequently, especially if they are all a theme (like A7's.) I love avatars cuz it's an excuse for me to pimp my latest miniatures...
  7. I will want side covers at some point, but not yet... the hands really arne't that useful on normal valks due to tehir size... shruken down tho, they'd be killer!
  8. That's friggen awesome.
  9. Phew. Saverobotech, you just made my day. So those two valks were just at the Yamato booth for the sake of taking up space? Thank god. And yes, the Zero is gorgeous.
  10. Well, I've gotta chime in a slightly more optimistic bit... the grey and black Stealth Valk might be okay looking, but the camo'd valk has some serious issues. Camo on a Valk would look pretty sweet, but the execution here is just aweful. Take a look at almost any historical fighter in camo.... the bottom is counter shaded light grey or white to blend in with the sky when viewed from the ground. Also, considering the size of the valk compared to the size of the toy, I think that a big part of why it looks so bad is that it isn't really scaled right. The camo is aplied in much too broad strokes.... it should have been a 'smaller' fleck camo of sorts to help force the scale of a real valk onto the toy.
  11. *Sniff* Some day I'll go to BotCon...mark my words. Anyone here go and got 1st person prespectives on the slideshow?
  12. You can find some stuff on torrent sites, but if we could get the rest of everything Macross uploaded, it would be amazing.
  13. I must admit that I like the longer sigs of MW better and have a mderately sized one, but there are a few members with LV Lurker length sigs that are getting really annoying.... like, if you are going to put a wanted lsit in tehre, make it concise and small.... not huge assed bold colored font 20 lines long.
  14. *tear* Why would they pull out their stuff??
  15. Judging by the commercials, this movie looks so incredibly tired and dated and not-cool that it's unbearable to sit thru the commercials. "Oh look, ANOTHER gov't super soldier program... oh look, ANOTHER escaped test subject... oh look, ANOTHER nefarious gov't cover up.... the list is endless"
  16. Wait, where can I find more details about this Neo G1 line? It's the first I'm hearing of it, and it sounds like it could be everything BT/Alt was supposed to be. I want pics!! And yes, a WWI Jetfire would be rediculously cool.
  17. Aaaah...I didn't realize it wsa that small. Perhaps I spoke too soon... still not an attractive design, but it sounds like it has quite an impressive set of features for its size.
  18. I watched episode 3 last night.. the propaganda video was awesome, and the fight with the GMs was simply incredible. I had this big goofy grin on my face thru the whole thing.
  19. *sniff*... no Grand Poobah until Monday....
  20. Sweet, I want an official Yamato shipping box. And dude, the 1/60 GBP came out a while ago, and it's wretchedly bad.
  21. Rerelease of G1 Jetfire? I would find that unlikely... isn't the mold Bandai's regardless of Takara using way back then?
  22. Yeah...whatever happened to that 1/60 Monster? Did they decide that it was simply too large to release whatsoever?
  23. That Force Impulse thing looks like garbage... Is it at least really poseable to make up for its ugliness and weak looking paint apps?
  24. I agree.... have these been selling at all? I guess they probably are wroking out well for Hasbro as all those dumb little kids are gonna buy them like nuts.. but for anyone with eyes, they are just painful to look at.
  25. Offhand, could anyone tell me what's different about the new sculpts?
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