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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I do! I do! PM me youir email addy and I'll send it tonight. That goes for anyone, and always has.
  2. WOW! That is really nice and really clean. Slap on some decals, and you're golden. SUper nice airbrush job.
  3. How much is this little guy? I think I'm about to take my first dive into real Gundam toys.....
  4. promethuem5

    1/48 Gbp

    Hmmm..the tan looks really nice too, actually.
  5. I kind of like the Super Threads, only becuse it keeps down on clutter and having alot of similar topics... I agree that they can be cumbersome, but for the ones in the Other Anime section, I like having one thread.... I know it bugs the hell out of me that there are two congruent threads for the new Zeta Gundam movies, because not all of the important news makes it into both threads.... EDIT: And as for the "Official" part, who cares? It's just a word... not like it gives the thread extra power or influence or the ability to shoot laser beams out of its eyes or anything...
  6. Dalong.net has the MG Nemo up.... looks awesome... I really want one. Hopefully I can get in my next big purchase soon of the MG MkII v2 and ZG v2 and the Nemo, and a GM ver.Ka.... I love that one.
  7. I only like Marvel stuff..... and I am working on becomming the hardest of harcore IronMan fans. I'm working on collecting everything IronMan... I've got just about all of the current run (maybe actually the whole thing, I forget,) I've got a big dent out of the original series (Including ToS99, IM + the Sub Mariner, and IM#1) and I've got just about all the one shots and standalones.... and some of the toys (not enough of the animated series fgures tho.) I think I mumble IronMan trivia in my sleep....
  8. promethuem5

    1/48 Gbp

    Nani!? There is a scene on the 20th aniversary disk that shows a team of GBPs on a ground mission... pretty sweet clip. And hmm.... the LV2 just became tolerable because now you can't see it.... but I think that if you replaced the aweful lime green with light grey, this would look fantastic on the LV2 or a CF.
  9. I was going to post back exactly what mike did.... the storyline that started with MSGundam ends with Char's Counterattack, and that's pretty much all I'm interested in...
  10. White Glue doesn't seem to cause yellowing.... but as for preventing any plastic yellowing whatsoever, there's really no way to prevent it... luckily, the plastic used on 1/48s doesn't seem to yellow, and there are some tricks to restoring the color, but I'm not really an expert on that. Apparently whitening toothpaste in some form can re-whiten yellowed stuff.
  11. Yup...I still love your custom Guntank man. Gorgeous.
  12. What's wrong with Zeonic Front? I read that it was pretty good.. and as soon as PS2 emu gets working better, it's the first PS2 game I'm gonna play.
  13. White Glue. Elmer's White Glue will stick without bonding to the plastic. I glued all of my FP missiles on and the larger missiles. Apply a small amount the the joints and let it dry... it will hold the parts together, but if you want to remove them, you can, and all the glue will come right off.
  14. Dude, the camo on that first Robotech one is by far better than the Yamato one.... darker colors, much finer application.... that's actually really sad.
  15. Sounds kinda neat, but as far as I'm concerned, Char's Counterattack is the end of the UC story.... and besides, it's not like it'll be released stateside or on a system I own anyways....
  16. Your DYRL CF is absolutely effin gorgeous. I think I'm gonna cry....
  17. I think I want them displayed in a large shrine in my house after I'm gone... not that it'll be for a very long time...
  18. Are you guys kidding? Those are sooooo cool! Steampunk Transformers, how could you go wrong? The Shockwave design is rediculous! WOW!
  19. Is it confirmed yet weather or not there will be a Gundam MkII Super version with the Defensor thing? I want to buy one MkII and get all the extras at once... And how is the quality of the PG Zeta Gundam? Does it get floppy after a while like the v1 MG did? I really want a Z Gundam but can't decide if I should just get the v2 MG or save up for a PG... And yes, a new Zaku would be incredible... not that the F2 isn't already awesome.
  20. I print quasi-'decals' on paper all the time... yours look great. I use a little bit of white glue to help mine stick.
  21. I want the 4 gigger so badly..... and I really want some more solid PSP games... I was so glad to read that a standard Metal gear Solid game is in the works.... AC!D just turns me right off.... I personally am just berserk with anticipation of an American port of the 3rd person action Gundam game.... I forget the anem of it, but everyone else has it already. I must admit, I think that they should port some of the greatest hits PS1 games to PSP... I for one would love Castlevania Symphony of Night and Armored Core and Mechwarrior 2 on PSP....
  22. Hey, let's not knock the Phantom Inflitrator... that was my first mecha kit.
  23. So... still no ForSale thread up... how long untilyou're ready to take orders?
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