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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I was short a whole bag, so count yourself lucky.
  2. Got Syphon Filter Dark Mirror today. After playing with the three controls settings, I'm in business and this game is awesome. It's MGS with just a little less stealth. In MGS, you simply CANNOT run and gun thru the game, but here, it's up to you. I was hoping for a little more MGS stealth, but oh well, this game is still awesome. I actually like it better than SOCOM. And YES! Please please please bring over an America Gundam Battle Tactics.
  3. GO GO GO!! Download faster!!
  4. Zero-Mare, you're almost right. ePSXe is a PSOne emulator, considered finished a while ago, which has almost flawless PSOne emulation on not too powerful computers. The same crew is working on a PS2 emulator, which sounds like what you're thinking of. They can get a few games working but the requirements are still wicked and they haven't gotten gamepad support or widespread compatability yet. I use ePSXe though, and I can buy/download any PSOne game and play it either as a CD image or straight from my CD drive. Check it out: http://www.epsxe.com/news.php http://www.pcsx2.net EDIT: And I'm wondering if the emulator will simply use PSOne CD images like you use for ePSXe, or special versions that Sony releases, or simply UMDs with PSOne games on them. I'd buy them either way, but UMDs are expensive. The thing is, you'd only be able to fit one or two games at the most on the 1Gb memory card in their current form so I wonder how they will handle it...
  5. So, Syphon Filter's out, and it's supposed to be amazing. I'm gonna try really hard to get it this weekend. Also, is there any news as to weather or not the Gundam action game will be released in the US? Someone said that there is probably enough English in it to play, but I'd rather just buy a US release if there is one, but I'm getting sick of waiting. Also, anyone see the news article on gamespot about PSP getting an emulator that runs PSOne games and Flash game support on the internet? And possibly a second PSP with internal Flash memory. I am soooooo excited already. PSOen emu on the PSP is probbaly the coolest thing I've heard in a long while.
  6. All I can say if this actually happens: F*CK YES!! Now we need a Megatron and Shock Wave (cmon, you KNOW you want it) and some other cool Autobot... but who else would you want? The BT/Alts are already basically Masterpieces of the cars and such...
  7. Why oh why do your torrents require Azureus? I use BitLord bc/ Azureus is way to confusing... grr..I want VFX and VOXP soooo much tho...
  8. Sweet. I've got a Gouf to work on myself (got bumped on the kit list due to my getting my first real resin kits) Why would you ever say that it's your last one tho? That's like, an unholy statement.
  9. Hye boinger, you'r torrent is dead... and it's a shame, cuz this is exactly the thing I need.... it's got all of the games I've been searching all over the place for with no luck.
  10. I have the paper Monster of you want it, but I don't think I have the VF-1S anymore...
  11. Man...that thing is gorgeous. You are truly a god Mike. I still wish I had the cash or space for one of these bad boys.... oh well.
  12. Alright...I will collect them together and send thm out tonight or tomorrow... and hopefully get those couple of toy pics if not the FP review done this weekend.
  13. Wow. I loved it before, but the fact that you did it with Q-tips makes it even more awesome..... I've been considering doing mine up too.... maybe when I'm feeling more ambitious.
  14. Nice. For charcoal pencil work, they look very nice. The only thing I would do is take a darker grey paint and darken the panel lines to amtch the valk itself. Otherwise, it's a good simple match.
  15. Hey, I too sent a really large wad of stuff to Jesse.... almost every 1/200 scale Nichimo reissue kit. I sitll have the files, so if I need to, I can send them to you.
  16. I agree.... let's go. I want it soooo bad!
  17. urk.... not ANOTHER stupid crossover I wont buy... all I want is to get a good writer and pencil/inks art team back on Iron Man.... but I GUESS if IM plays a large enough part in this I might check it out....
  18. Well..that certanly is a large and ungainly jump
  19. Good for him, too. His designs really are amazing. WWI has some of the nicest TF art ever IMO. Now all we need is a good Megatron, Bumblebee, Jazz, Prowl, and Devestator!
  20. So, when DO we get English subtitles? I can't wait to see this one..... I went and got the whole series after watching the first movie, and I love it, even though I'm still only like half way thru the series.
  21. Interesting take on the design... some better close ups would be nice though. I can't decide if I like the full weaterhing job on this one yet or not...
  22. That IS the WWI Jetfire, right? I can't recall off of the top of my head, but it looks close. If it is, I now know that I NEED the Prime and Jetfire.... no doubt about it. Hopefully they aren't completely die cast though, so the high-traffic areas don't chip in order to keep these playable toys.
  23. I've always loved the Myria art... but the other ones are 'nice' too.
  24. You know... stylistically and quality wise, the Super posables are just about the nicest toys that Toynami has come out with. I can see putting a head on a Hase battroid, but I've never seen a Hase battroid in person, so I can't help you so much.
  25. Looks like a good base, but why did you make the light up parts green? I persoannly can't stand the way the light up parts look regardless of color, but I think that the green might actually clash with the rest of the colors of the MS worse than the gold....
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