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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Hey, that's a good point. I didn't really think about that, but now that you mention it, it makes alot of sense. I'll have to keep that in mind...
  2. Don't worry, that's the one I've known about for years.... I try all the time to convince my parents to get me a digital SLR, but no dice. My stupid dad doesn't undersand why our Sony Mavica (uses floppy disks, doesn't even have a measurable megapixel because that wasn't the unit of measurement at its time) isn't goog enough, and my mom doesn't want to spend that kind of money.
  3. I didn't actualy repaint the whole blue. That woulda have added too mcuh unecessary paint and thickness to it and obsucured the details and ruined the parts fit. I drybrushed a lighter blue-grey over the whole thing, gloss coated, added the decals, panel lined, matte finished, and weathered, followed by one last matte varnish coat (whcih you technically aren't supposed to do wtih dry pigments, but I like the subtlety it adds.)
  4. Yeah, it does look seriously pissed and ready to punce in that shot. Thanks for all the replies guys, keep them comming! Someone's gotta have some constructive criticism for next time...
  5. What is the Prowl knee mod he makes mention of? I could try that if I could find it.
  6. Mog, I didn't add scorching to the inside of the leg launchers... didn't occur to me really... I didn't add alot of scorching from missile fire...that would have gotten pretty messy looking. ychanus, it's a decal from Anasazi.
  7. Hi all, This is my GBP-1S custom, done using acrylic paints, artist dry pigments, inks, and Anasazi decals. I was going for a weathered mid action look, and I think I achieved that. Please let me know what you think! I know it's not Kurt level, but I like to think that it's still really good.
  8. NMB4M, just hang on a minute.... my GBP pics are quite literally a few minuts off, and I took ones of my CF ages ago if you search (not that they're very good pics.)
  9. I like the new look alot. I'm just trying to figure out what the remaining green skulls are for....
  10. I've never liked the Robocop design, but the ED is pretty sweet.... seems aefully expensive tho, gorgoeus and detailed as that figure is. EDIT: You know...in the pics, they don't show any leg articulation.... for the much money, I would want it fully posable with all those leg pistons working and retailed...
  11. Actually, I haev the exact same collection as well, except I have another FP armor set which is destined for a custom along with a 4th Valk I don't own yet. My CF and GBP are detailed, decaled and weathered tho.
  12. Anyone got a pic of three armed Misa?
  13. Noone answered my question about parts and materials.... posability and joints? Polycaps, or plastic on plastic.
  14. Too much....awesome....
  15. I've been wondering about this....seems awefully late. It could easily make a mess of the franchise by sucking awefully.
  16. Stole your line Dante... great stuff. And check out my new avatar on all forums and such where I can have one. I made it myself using the photoshoped poster.
  17. I want the VF-0 GBP as much as I want the VF-0.
  18. I bought the set of 4 that have vehicle things that can be reassembled into armor. They are way chromey and flimsy and one of them was busted in the box and one was way ugly so I didn't even open it.
  19. I too would like to see some shots of the extent of its posability. This is a gorgeous kit and I really want to go nuts on one. EDIT: ANd what does Hase use for joints? Plastic on plastic, or polycaps like a Gundam kit? I've never bought a Hase Battroid, but I'm really interested.
  20. promethuem5

    Custom 1/48 Gbp

    Then have someone do it for you! It'll be worth it, I promise. I'm only halfway thru mine and let me tell you, there's ALOT of potential to take a gorgeous stock toy and make it into an utterly amazing piece that is still really really playable and beautiful.
  21. promethuem5

    Custom 1/48 Gbp

    Awesome. I might have to check that out. I finally got all the decals on and dullcoated the parts....legs are still drying, but otherwise I'm ready to start weathering. I ended up panel lining the valk for it too (my first 1/48, bought specifically because Radd told me that a 1/48 GBP was in the works.) I'm trying to figure out just how much wear it needs.... I want it more worn than the first (and only series) appearance, but alot of weathering isn't applicaple for a space based unit (rust, dirt, dust.) Guess that leaves me with scratches and chips, and heat scorching and mild damage (everything but physical damage -I'm not cutting into something this expensive )
  22. Actually yeah, I've been in this thread alot lately, especially with the announcement of MP Starscream.
  23. promethuem5

    Custom 1/48 Gbp

    Harder or softer lead than a #2?
  24. I've always wondered the same thing... here in upstate NY, there's nowhere to get them. I don't have any good hobby shops like that around me that would carry them.
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