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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wow. That's insane.... talk about atttention to detail.
  2. True.... they certianly did release a ton of them.
  3. I've never really understood the fascination with Lio Convoy... Big Convoy (the wooly mammoth) is much cooler.
  4. I'm thinking that after I drill out the holes, I can fill the rear of the hole (which is accessible) with Green Stuff putty and superglue, effectively making the pin mounted into a whole solid piece instead of just through the wall.
  5. Sweet. Thanks for the info. Does that mean that the little padlocks have to be bent and shaped? Honestly, I don't think I could ever do PE parts....
  6. I've probably got the right size rod... it's just the fact that I don't really want to do it...
  7. Hmmmm...well, I'm plum outta ideas then.
  8. I am going to be doing one soon myself, and I asked Kurt about it, and he said that he stripped off all of the markings. The only problem is that I'm doing mine on a Captain America VF-1D, and my 1D conversion kit is the orange color.
  9. HWRII, can we get a closeup shot of the padlock? And why would you glue shut such an aweosme little detail? Nice work on the zimmermit too...which putty is that?
  10. I'm taking them as we speak....
  11. (from Ginrai's post)
  12. I was gonna say that too, Primus is a little short there.... and why is he so spiky?
  13. Yeha, you're talking about King Atlas... it transforms into a bomber plane, and has the flip up panel that reveals a crosshair mounted in the plane so you can look thru and see where you're bombing.
  14. I really hat ethe current toy distribution models as well right now... friggen Iron Man is always impossible to find when the ML waves come out... On a side note, I got one of these from KB Toys for like 15, and it broke right nout of the package (one of the shoulders is defective,) and then proceded to exchange all 5 left in teh store, only to have them all break the exact same way. I always wished that toy wasn't broken like that, as it was friggen gorgeous.
  15. I was just gonna say that youy might be thinking of the Universe King Atlas mold... And NERV, your avatar is sick, and Liottel, your avatar is technically not in the wrong, but still really iffy.
  16. Quick stupid question.... did Dorvak have an anime, or just the models?
  17. Hi, This is a group question for all the guys here (toy and model guys alike) that have a really good digital camera and can take really good pictures. I'm desperately in need of an upgrade from my Sony Mavica (you can see how bad it is in the toy thread.) And my dad is finally considering getting me a really good one for my birthday if I do the research. So I'm comming to you guys (and people on all my other fourms) for help. What model, brand, and lens (really important as I need a really powerful zoom lens for my closeups of miniatures and models) are you guys using with reall good results. I'm assuming that the best come from SLR cameras, whcih I am comforatable enough with, so guys, please let me know. Any help is apprecaited.
  18. Yeah, same here. It was one of the first threads I really read here...
  19. Which was the one prototype replacement with a skull in the helmet that went nuts? It only had a few seconds of screen time, but I remember the model work for that one being really neat.
  20. Hehe, I've got 4.
  21. Hi all, I finally managed to break off one of those small round pegs that hold the entire torso together on my Koenig Monster. Has anyone else replaced the pegs with something more durable? I am going to have to, but I want to do it right and was wondering if anyone else has fixed this problem... and if they could help me with some details like the rod diameter of their replacement, and maybe some shots of their finished product. Thanks guys!
  22. I got that Aerialbots set for my birthday one year... it's got a pretty decent parts fit, but the stickers are wretched. Nice chrome bits tho. I've also got the Devestator, but I got that one from someone else, and it's in storage...all I remember is that the parts fir was pretty good, but there was no chrone on that one.
  23. Wow...I guess I've never noticed this before, but until you start adding some markings and whatnot, the Monster really is a big block of smooth surfaces and not much surface detail. Nice painting so far, can't wait to see you weather it.
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