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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Thanks Grand Cannon... that's more than I could find after almost an hour of hardcore google searching.... just wish it was at least the whole series RAW... I'm willing to do it the way J is if it comes to that. On that note, J, if you can direct me to a good synopsis, I'd be pretty greatful... and if I knew how to copy VCDs to computer, I'd be more than patient if you'd be willing to lend your set to me when the current guy is done... if I'm not imposing too much here...
  2. Wishfull thinking then....
  3. But it's a classic and has such cool mecha. And I just realized how badly I spelled 'fansubs' in the thread subtitle.... wow... guess Ben needs to lay off the crackpipe...
  4. So you're watching it in Japanese and just winging it? Any idea where one could find the series in any form? I want it sooooo badly.
  5. YES!! Huzzah for cheezy gore and gratuitous nudity!
  6. Hi guys, I recently becamse really interested in Fang of the Sun Dougram, and am trying to track down any English laguange release I can. I know that no dub was released, and sa far as I can tell, not even an official R1 release w/ or without subs.... so, has anyone got or know of a fansub of this series? I want to se it sooooo incredibly badly. Same with Dorvak, but that's much less important. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. I can't believe I somehow missed this toyline entirely, but I just saw it in ToyFare, and now I am totally psyched. I'll probably end up getting one EVA, but for now, bring on the Dougram, and maybe even some same scale/size VOTOMS figures. That would be tight. I'm gonna need like 6 of that Dougram figure tho... cuz I'll have to repaint some in Battletech schemes
  8. I personally hated Batman Beyond, especially when they 'killed' Mister Freeze (my favorite Batman villain for some reason....) Batman and Robin was an incredible cartoon tho.... I ahd like a zillion of the toys including the exclusive one that you got for buying every video that came out... and the movies were great. Still have them all on video.
  9. I think you did an outstanding job on the decals. Can't wait to see you dirty it up.
  10. Is Fang of the Sun Dougram even avaliable in English? I want to see it mor than anything.... Dorvak too.
  11. Thanks. It just so happens however, that my parents bought me a new one online last night along with an awesome high-powered macro closeup lens, so after my birthday, I'll be kickin it with some serious high powered camera action and retake photos of all my stuff (starting with the GBP and my battle damaged CF.)
  12. Yes. Moon Act MG....
  13. I did consider that, and if I could get my hands on a second set of missiles, I would. I'd want to keep it a removable mod tho (hence the second set if missiles)... just seems like an aweful lot of cotton ball work to make enough trails....
  14. Contest sounds fun, but not until after I get my new camera for my birthday and learn how to use it
  15. Yesterday's trash? Dave man, I still can't do primer chips the way you do....surely your weather-fu is still greater than mine.
  16. I agree. Smooth and clean, but maybe a tad too clean and a little flat? A little wash or something would be great... And Dave, I've got not 1, but 2 Zaku IIs to show you soon (one F2 and one original.) EDIT: And MAN I wish I had nabbed on of the uber amazon sale Zaku II PGs.....
  17. I love nose/leg art. And lots of utilitarian decals.... maybe it seems cartoonish to you hardcore tank buffs, but I looooove lots of little gribbly decals.
  18. Gorgeous. I've gotta ask... how did you get that uber slick matte finish on the ghost?
  19. No no, two sparrows would have to have on a line between them from the dorsal guidance feathers. I think this'd be fun. Even if we don't have a contest with rpizes, we could have a group build type thing' where we all motivate each other to build, or build to a theme. Maybe it'll get me to get a Hase VF-) Battroid, or finish my stupid YF-19 that I never finsihed building....
  20. Ah crap...now I'm gonna need the Hase and the 1/100....
  21. I. Want to. Paint one..... soooooo badly. Please please please someone buy me one so I can decal and weather it? I won't be buying anything for a good long time after my birthday.....
  22. Not really... it's got a gloss coat after the drybrushing (to fade the drybrushing and prep for decals) and then two matte coats (one after decals and one after weathering.) The only place that gets marked up (after playing with it quite a bit... I love this toy) is the tip of the hip covers where they hit the grey torso filler pieces, and it's ni big deal seein as all it's doing is scratching through the clear coats to the udnerlying plastic color, which is still the same color as the rest of the finished piece. That's true of the whole thing... aside from the decals, there's really nothing to scratch off anyways... it's not like the dry pigments are going to chip.
  23. Dude, I like the new icons and your awesome avatar alot.
  24. Stupid character designs aside, i can't tell if it's the rip or not, but the CGI scene looks horribly washed out and undetailed and out of focus...
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