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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I was pretty impressed... my dad, whose usually the least plot-oriented person ever (He asked me during the THIRD LotR who 'the blond haired fairy guy' was) seemed to be able to keep track of the time travel stuff pretty well. I think they did a good job of not going overboard with time travel nonsense, which is usually such a pitfall in stories.
  2. Thanks for the comments... I got a couple comments on another board about the background. I built a new cheapie lightbox for photos from a cardboard box and some white fabric, and it definitely helps keep the colors true and the general lighting good, but some people mentioned that the wrinkles in the fabric were distracting... what do you guys who looked at the photos think? The center part of the backdrop can be changed out for some smooth posterboard if it's a problem, so I'm looking for feedback.
  3. Nice work on the Nichimo kit... I've got a stash of those little bastards somewhere but I haven't tried my hand at any of them in a while.
  4. Finished this guy at the end of school and finally got to take some pics: Char's Z'Gok G-Sys Also tried out my new home-made light box for photos, let me know what you guys think!
  5. Thanks for the link anyway REBirth! It's still easier to DDL for me, since I'm only spending time on my little netbook and still haven't set up my desktop yet since returning home. I actually watched some of the Mazinkaiser OVA on Youtube, but the whole OVA series is not complete on there... the first two or three eps are tho, and they are thoroughly awesome. I really do need to get that on DVD or something. The Mazinkaiser movie is on there complete, and is totally sick... inspired me to get the MK Revoltech. I've been thinking about putting in the effort to find the new Gaiking... is it any good? I've watched Shin Getter Robo, which was a mess to a casual fan like me, I've watched Dancouga Nova, which was bland and stock-footage heavy, and I started to watch Shin Jeeg, but that seemed just as fan-servicey and bland as Dancouga Nova. Mazinkaiser and Shin Maz are the ones so far that really appealed to me with the right balance of old-school funk and balls to the walls action.
  6. I've watched up to ep 5 so far... I'm only 20 and have only very recently developed any interest in the pre-80s 'super robots', but I've been thoroughly enjoying this new Mazinger so far. It has a definitely unique retro funk to it, and the over the top badassness is an awesome change of pace from the gritty real-robot stories I usually prefer like Patlabor or VOTOMs.
  7. I think if you don't try and get the Messiah DX in a nose-in-the-dirt standing Gerwalk mode it looks alot better overall... I think the Messiah's Gerwalk mode looks much better 'in motion' anyway... overall I'm way happy with my Messiah and can't leave it alone:
  8. Is there a subbed ep 6 yet? I'm finally home, so I can torrent the eps if I need to.
  9. Set phasers for: CASH. Just got back this morning from seeing it in our theater's new mini-IMAX and it was phenomenal. The opening was exceptionally well done.... I'm pretty sure my dad (who grew up living the original series) actually cried because of how well done it was. The plot decisions were perfect IMO to re-boot the franchise and bring it back to its original success levels... a my dad pointed out, they've now go a whole new money tree to groom with the new universe. I was also blown away by the art direction and the cinematography... the ships looked amazing in space, and the new functional innards of the ships were great. The submarine vibe is spot-on for how I always felt the inside of the ships would look. I may very well see it again, and I say: bring on the sequels!! Any rumors of a new TV series yet?
  10. Just some love finally from me for my vinyl labors and new Brave Gokin OVA Ingram...can't wait for the rest of my vinyls to show up... I'll finally have one of each mold, and three Tyrants to reenact Noah's first big fight in the TV series! EDIT: Here's another shot... this guy gets reposed every night, and I really can't leave it alone!
  11. My reissue Alto arrived from BBTS today, and I have to say, I am in love <333.... this toy is not perfect by any means, but I still think it is phenomenal, and alot of fun to actually play with. Fighter mode looks good to me... I was really surprised to notice that the gunpod stays in place no problem without the special clip they provide, and the non-transforming pose hands can be mashed into the shield gap in fighter mode anyway, removing two of what were my biggest gripes. I'm not a line-art whore, so the landing gear look fine and serviceable to me, as do the leg fins and the overall fighter. Gerwalk mode is the biggest let down, as previously discussed, but I'm not really a fan of the 25's goofy Gerwalk anyway... I'll save the Gerwalk love for my incoming VF-11. Battroid mode is really fantastic to me... I can see where the hips could sit a bit lower and not bump into the waste bits, but it's not a big deal, and the crotch assembly on mine is rock solid. The shoulders on mine are super tight, and are definitely not going to get saggy in the near future. Overall articulation is great, and I'm surprised how stable Battroid mode is. The metal is not found in great quantities, despite the Chogokin labeling, but it is used to great effect in the right places. I can see, however, where the armor would make this toy into a tragedy if it wasn't perfectly tight and secure fitting. There's ALOT of moving parts in Battroid mode, and anything that wasn't properly bolted down would be a constant headache... glad I canceled my Alto armor preorder. I'm interested in getting another now, but not sure which to get... think I'll troll around and see how cheap I can find a Luca RVF.
  12. In the case of the 1S, it likely WAS a new valk, as the 1S is specifically described as a 'tuned up' ace version of the VF-1, so I can't think of anything better to give Max
  13. No. Cease your bashing and read the posts. The foam is a PACKING MATERIAL used in order to prevent damage to the complex toy during shipping, as with most other packing materials.
  14. To be fair, IDW pumps out tons of licensed garbage that is picked up by rabid Transformers fanboys... I have finally decided to stop buying their terrible, awful books.
  15. Doubt it... you don't see LEDs in anything besides the brand new gigantic Yamato Ingram, so there's no reason to expect them on Macross stuff, and 1/60 is pretty much designated 'THE scale' for Yamato Macross releases now, so I don't see any more 1/48 releases ever besides recolored VF-1s.
  16. I dunno... I've never read Spawn before, but when I heard McFarlene'd be returning to his baby, and bringing Whilce Portacio back on for pencils, I was intrigued, and it's been a fun ride so far with gorgeous art. I could see being pissed at how Simmons goes as a fan tho, but really, I'd always been under the impression Spawn was pretty stagnant anyway.
  17. What's the hip joint piece with the big white tab sticking off of it?
  18. BBTS is most certainly the reissue as they only finally got their first round of Altos the other day. I had the preorder from back when they had the 130 price, but they only just filled it, so it's not the first release.
  19. I just ordered an 11 from HLJ, but it won't process until after Golden Week... oh well. I can wait.
  20. YES! BBTS just sent me notification for my effin Alto DX! They did in fact honor the earlier preorder price as well... my Alto is finally within my grasp.
  21. Ah, so it is mistransformation. Good. I am now seriously debating picking this up crazy price or not.
  22. Yay! Thanks!
  23. Nice, but tragically no DDL for 3 or 4...
  24. So..... I'm ready for BBTS to get my Alto. Love that it has improvements, I'm DYING to get some VF-25 freak on!
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