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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Holy crap... if they used a better HotRod than that, I can't wait to see it.
  2. Guess Graham does look like Nick Cage... but wait... I thought Graham was Asian... apparently not.
  3. I think we're gonna need pics man....
  4. I watched the H3 trailer and yeah, kinda boring and worthless.... prety, but all flash and glitter and no substance.... Shot in the dark here, but has any good Metal Gear Solid info gotten out? I heard about a trailer but couldn't find it...
  5. You glued the arms in place? White glue, or real glue!??
  6. Holy crap! Prime looks awesome...hope the toy is that nice...
  7. Dry pigments are infinetaly better for weathering and dirtying.... especially if you don't have an airbrush (like me)... I discovered them not that long ago, and absolutely love using them. You can get amazingly subtle effects wtih them that you cannot with paints.
  8. Custom design, eh? That's about the only thing I haven't bought from Devin.... but he's an absolute blast to work with, and has done some gorgeous repro work making sticker sheets into decal sheets. Devin's simply the man.
  9. I just want to see when the PSOne emulator and bigger memory cards come out... I always thought that the UMD movies were retarded.
  10. For your whites I'd recommend using a dark grey for the shading, not straight black. For colors, mix in some black with teh base color.... personally, I'll take realisticly drybrushed and shaded and weathered over anime-style pen and ink look any day. To me, the flat panel lined look is just too unrealistic.... these things are warmachines, and should look accordingly...
  11. Anymore info on how common the QC issues are? Does 'mostly positive' mean that they issues are few and far between, or just not problematic enough to warrant a large complaint?
  12. That's a porcelain statue, right?
  13. Holy crap Kurt! That is simply gorgeous...
  14. Hey all, This was my first 1/48 custom, my CF, weatehred, decaled, and marked up a bit... Nothing too fancy, way simpler tha my GBP (which I'll ahve much better pics of someday soon! ) Let me know what you guys think! Ben had some technical issues, but this one should work...
  15. Have you ever seen a grain of dust the size of your head before?
  16. That's not fair...howcome we don't get full sized action figure pack ins in our American magazines? You guys get resin coinversion parts, special decal sheets, and whole figures, and all we get is cards and postcards... So, anyone got any ideas on how to get this issue?
  17. Is this plastic, or resin? I really want that Hase one, but I also want this one too if it's plastic... such is the pain of having lots of kits in lots of scales....
  18. I'm sure that Devin will crank out a VF-0S sheet... and if you have a burning itch for it, you can send him yours and have him do it right away.
  19. That is soooooo cute! Goooo Rohby!
  20. Thanks.... I'm so embarassed with how dusty they are tho...
  21. I go at it in spurts..... i'll play around alot till I find a pose I like, then leave it for a while... then play around with it some again before finding another good pose.... haven't really fooled around with them alot in a while tho, been so buys... actually did exactly that today, transformed my customized CF for the first time in ages for a photoshoot.... I do play with the GBP alot tho... and the CF can be alot of fun.... actually the only one I never play with or change around is my unmodded Roy... it's got sticker sticking issues, so I try to leave it alone.... I've decals for it finally tho, so it's just a matter of time...
  22. I really like the look of that fighter with the panel lines but honestly, something like this just looks naked without some decals and weathering....
  23. That is nuts man. The culmination of the booster, stand, and hauler is simply amazing. You should be proud.
  24. I personally am always a fan of grunt character side stories... why not show some main events and some behind the scenes events from the eyes of a Spec Ops Ginn team... or even a frontline combat squad... anything but the SEED characters...
  25. Hey guys, here's a pair of MG Zakus I finished not too long ago... taken wtih my new camera
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