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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Holeeee crap! Kawamori has really outdone himself... no complaints here, it's got the same blocky functional feel as Prime, and I love it.
  2. Yeah, I think it's a bit of a longshot to consider their deaths a spiler at this point. Truth be told, I can't recall the fourth memeber of the crew tho... it's Ironhide, Brawn, and Prowl, but I can't think of the fourth, unless it was Ratchet... And I personally love Brawn. The saddest part was that he seemed to die all the time in the few Transformers sources I had as a kid... the movie, this crazy fan game that had some wonky time travel stuff and Brawn dying like Kenny in a South Park episode, and that one G2 comic issue with ther big Green and Purple Megatron (tank) goes around and wrecks like a bunch of guys in one issue... including Steeljaw and Brawn (ripped apart this time, not shot I think.)
  3. So, anyone know where to find the MKII HCM with the G-Defensor and landing sled in the US? I'd really like one
  4. 150's a fine price at this point, don't worry. If you really want it to end up looking like something nice, you could look into have someone do the decals and such for you. Even if you weren't going to go all out and have it weathered adn detailed, there are plenty of poeople who'd apply the decals and panel line it or something if you want. *shameless plug* This is especially a good choice if you are not particularly hobby inclined, or don't have good knives and decal solution and sealers... those of us who've been doing this kind of thing for a while already have all the supplies and such, all we need are the decals and valk to put them on. Just something to ponder.
  5. Yeah, but if it's your first sheet of either it's important to remember that both the stickers and decals need to be cut out... so you'll need a big stash of really sharp X-acto blades, a steady hand, and tweezers to apply them regardless of which you chose. And once you get the hang of it, the time thing really isn't that bad... aside from positioning you'll spend msot of your time wating for things to dry... but in that same vein, if you put a taka sticker on crooked and then peel it off to fix, it'll never stick quite as well as that first press...
  6. Man, it must be nice to have enough 1/48s that you can't rember offhadn how many you have I'll echo what's already been said: The Yamato stickers are very thick (so thick that the edges of the film around each sticker looks frosted,) don't stick so hot, have very fuzzy detail, and are all around absoultely terrible. I wouldn't put them on a valk if you payed me. Then when buying aftermarket, the question comes to play on weather or not you want stickers or decals. I've bought Takatoys' stickers and Anasazi decals, and I've come to a few conclusions. First off, you have tod ecide if you are going to want to handle your valks alot. If so, then surprisingly enough, I recommend decals over stickers. Stcikers adhere well (especially Taka's) but they still have raised edges to catch on and curl or peel off... a well applied decal set with a decal solution and sealed with Future and then a spray varnish is impervious and almost seemless with the surface around it. I only buy decals at this point, because I customize AND handle my valks a great deal.... I've got a Roy with Strike armor on my shelf with stickers on it from before I started decalling and I dont handle it at all to keep the stickers on.
  7. I've only got one but I'm gettin more.... I think they are awesome. The weapons and hands storage thing is kinda annoying, but no biggie, and the figures are really really detailed and really posable and quite durable from what I can tell. None of this PVC bull.
  8. Alright, I ordered the Nemo and Asshimar from gundamstoreandmore... but I can't find a US seller for the complete MKII set anywhere, gundamstoreandmore has just the MKII by itself, but I really want the Super Gundam set.
  9. Preserved? I was thinking more.... uh.... well, maybe I shouldn't say...
  10. Looks sweet to me.... I want one.
  11. Hmmm... well, if it IS official, I'm pissed cuz Prime's not red.... unless they're doing Prime and Maggy... for a fan creation, that's damn amazing tho. Then again, it's got a real phone number on the side, NOT a 555 number....
  12. Yeah, from what I've been reading, I think you are.... the HCMs are about the size of one of those 3 1/2 inch GI-Joe figures....
  13. Were there.... girls perhaps... in them?
  14. Thanks! You guys aren't kidding about the MKII... I'll have to find one of the complete set... and grab a Zaku... how are the cables on the Zaku chassis designs? really flexible, or not quite so much? I could see them hindering motion or breaking on this size... And I personally LOVE the racing stripes... I dunno why, but I am a total freak towards gratuitous (and waht some woulda call excessive) markings. I'm sure you guys are sick of seeing pics of such an early relese, but I really wanted to see what people thought of my decal job...
  15. That could explain teh hit and miss consistency of the QC here, couldn't it? And honestly, I swear to god I'm gonna go smack the next person to ask a stupid 1/60 VF-0 vs 1/60/1/48 VF-1 question.... maybe if some of you pukes actually payed attention when watching the series and seeing the designs, you wouldn't ask the same retarded questions over and over again. And about the back hinge, it's not like BP8 at all, is it? I actually never broke a BP8, but I can see how easily one could break it... the grey hinge there looks like the same exact kinda thing.
  16. OMG Radd, they would make the best unlockable variants ever! SINISTAR and Worms FTW!
  17. ZM, I am all over that. I was eyeing up the MKII and Nemo last night.... I really want a Zeon mech too tho... the Sazabi looks awesome, but I'm usually more of a grunt guy... There's a pre-order for a second Zaku II (J ground type) with a big gun, but it doesn't look like it comes with the Zaku machine gun... so how consistently floppy are the Zaku II, Dom, and Guncannon? EDIT: ANd I'll have to post up some pics of my Gundam in a little while once the sealer dries.... I use the extra battle damage decals off of the big MG decal sheets from the Acguy and Dom(I think) with the paint chipping and bullet hole decals... and added some good gratuitous caution marking decals and panel lined it up. I love this thing... it's got gratuitous extra panel lines AND extra two-tone markings on the white and blue parts... do they all have this much in teh way of extra little detail marking? I wish there was a dalong.net for HCM Prom figures....
  18. Same here, Snake is 100% awesome, but I really want to see Sonic and a Belmont or two (or even Alucard!).... I find it hard to believe that they've been shafted for this long... And I am all for the slitting of Kirby's throat... think of how histarical it'd be the first time when your opponent doesn't see it comming
  19. WOW! I love all the extras details on the second one.... wanna let Devin borrow those for a decal sheet? *wink wink* I love your stickers and all, really great stuff, but after trying to get them to stick to my FP armor set with its matte finish, I gave up and turned to decals...
  20. I have a confession to make.... I got my HCM RX-78-2 today, and I hearby take back any mean thing I have ever said to anyone or about the HCM Pro line... it's not floppy at all, so maybe I just got lucky, and I absolutely love it. I spent the whole night decaling it up and am just about to panel line it.... I absolutely LOVE it... it's amazing, great paint job, superb detail, and amazing posability. I can't wait to get more!
  21. Same here... I've already got my Dougram pre-ordered, but I'll certainly not pre-order anymore until I get it and really go over it... stupid PVC bastards.
  22. WOW! The first repaint I actually want... Camshaft was my first die-cast containing G1 figure when I started really collecting Transformers, so he holds a special place in ym heart
  23. True, but if they're gaming minis, you don't really want to have some huge crazy base, do you? unless it's a secondary removable stoarage base.. like all those display bases people make... hmm... doesn't sound like such a bad idea now as long as you keep track of where it sticks out...
  24. While I like and respect the 1/60 line for its proportions and detail, the 1/60 GBP is actually one of the ugliest things I have ever seen. The proportions are all outta whack, the details are either weak or not there at all, and the thing doesn't stay together without some clear tape, period. I hate mine more than anything, expecially since I now have a 1/48 GBP, which was an absolute, joy to detail and decal and weather.
  25. 0083 HCM Prom would be amazing.... GP-01FB all the way! Wait... imagine an HCM Pro Dendrobium!!!
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