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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wait, so, really really stupid question....if I bought a Japanese released game, would it play on my PSP?
  2. When do you think the first three'll make it stateside? I want my pre-ordered Dougram already!
  3. Can you say big wad of G1 and G2 transformers thrown out by parents outright? What a tragic day.... they were 'too much of a clutter'
  4. Yeah, let us see! I wanna know how it installs and how it fixes bricked PSPs...
  5. Well, if nothing else it'll be nice to finally see the definitive and correct version of the movie to clear up all this 'there's four versions of the movie so none of us agree' crap
  6. What else would it do? I thought that the games worked region free....? And Gaijin, thanks for your help, I got the Naki pack yesterday, and have been kicking ass in SWBF ever since... actually being able to aim and snipe feels amazing, and the ship combat just got about 10x deeper and more fulfilling.
  7. Same here...is that from something? No nuts on this flight... hahaha
  8. Bumblebee looks awesome.. I always did like him, even if he IS a wimp. The Classics line looks pretty sweet so far... should be interesting to see where this goes.
  9. WOW! Typical for this kind of classic release....
  10. Haterist, you are sigged!
  11. Sweet... CF would be aweosme if they went with a grayer tone...maybe a beigish gunmetal color? I'd hate for it to end up a fleshy tan like alot of CF toys tend to...
  12. Too bad it doesn't come weathered.... that woulda sold me... I've still gotta do my Scopey, so I wouldn't get this anytime soon if all I was gonna do with it is add it to my ever growing backlog of work.... but I'd probably be willing to weather other people's for the sake of getting to handle one...
  13. Looks awesome... I laughed really hard when he popped the pills and ate the cherries....
  14. Hardly... not to go completely OT, but I found it to be one of the most drab, bleary, and unwatchable movies ever... if not for it's boring plot moments, then for it's super dark and weak camera work that make most of the would-be awesome visuals near indiscernable...
  15. Well, I've never seen hardly any really dynamic action shots of FIX figures, so are they really posable, or not? I thought I read that the legs on some of them are hardly articulated at all for more than a good standing pose...
  16. So, does it get less boring?
  17. Wait, really? I didnt realize they were PVC... ouch...
  18. I personally dont understand Fix and Zeonagraphy... I want posable playable figures, not little plastic statuaettes... same reason I never liked McFarlene toylines I guess.
  19. Yeah, I noticed that as well... starting with Zeta, the suits all just get bigger...
  20. WOW! I like the classic designs alot. I will obviosuly be buying those as well.
  21. Nice articulation on the Doga, too bad it's a hideous design. Tha 'Zabi, however, looks gorgeous. I can't wait... I can't believe the little funnels are functional tho, talk about small moving parts! Got my Nemo and Assh today too... both are amazing. The Nemo is a great basic figure, takes everything good about the original Gundam fig and improves it... and the Asshimar, my god I love this thing! Transformation is a bit fiddly, but holy crap does this figure look good. Can't wait to see test shots of the Nu too...
  22. Well, even if it IS PVC, I am completely sold on the Dougram.... but I'm not sure what to say about those last two photos in the Dante review of Dante-ougram...
  23. Anyone know where to get replacement thumbsticks? I thought you could buy real stick ones to replace the nub... all of my games are FPS, and I'm giving myself some kinda horrible thumb deformity using the nub... and I can't aim worth of crap... EDIT: It's even be better if it were the nub with just a ruberized coating on it... something with some grip so it didn't slosh around all over the place.
  24. I really really hate 'Plex's alt form, but I gotta admit, his bot mode is pretty slick... as for me, I'll stick to my shiny G1 Plex...
  25. You could potentially sell it to someone who wants an older version one for their newer version one if they want to do homebrew stuff and you don't. Honestly, I just didn't care about all that stuff...mine came 2.0 I think anywyas, so it was already a pretty much lost battle... and all of my games are newer ones.
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