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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wait, so, the cool CCA decal sheets only come with the Doga and Re-Gz? Wtf? I hate the Jagd Doga.... why must I suffer for having taste by not getting my Sazabi decals?
  2. 'Booster not fit on Monster' Hahahaha, HWR, you are NUTS!
  3. *Shiff* why can't the shipment for BBTS get stateside yet??? I want my Dougram! In other news, I managed to snag a copy of the Figure Oh with the clear yellow Eva.... cost a bit much I think, but I'm jsut happy to have found it from a US seller. I'll let you guys know when I get it with some pics.
  4. Nobody got one yet?
  5. Ohhh yeah! The 'Zabi looks amazing, the Gelgoog looks great too, and I really need to get one of those Zaxus and the Gouf. The Re-Gez never did much more me tho, but I can't wait to see Nu and the CCA era GM (I forget teh name.) Are you guys at all worried about the teensy tiny pieces of the Zabi's funnels tho? And what are the decals shown? Are those extra things to buy, or does the Sazabi and the three piece set come with a decal sheet?
  6. Sounds awesome... Gelgoog should be pretty slick. Can't wait to get a 'Zabi too....
  7. I've always been rather fond of this one I made, even if it is stupid (which it is....)
  8. Okay, I'm gonna sucker up here...anyone got a link to download the latest FireFox?
  9. AOL and IE for me! I'm tech savy and a flamming pirate but always forget to do gownload Firefox....
  10. Just be aware that you WILL need at least three, so that if nothing else you can display one 'naked', one with teh GBP armor, and one with FAST Pack Super armor... maybe four if youw ant a DYRL Strike Armor AND a TV Super armor... not to mention displaying all three modes. Yes, the 1/48 line rocks hard.
  11. So Sony released how to make UMDs? I thought that only Sony could make them for some reason... guess I'm an idiot then.
  12. But it says in the manual that Sony wouldn't endorse any A/O rated games or adult material UMDs.... so how would one get released?
  13. I keep telling you guys! I want to check one of these out, but don't really wanna buy one myself, but weathering one up looks like it'd be aloooot of fun!
  14. Seems awfully complicated...altho playing games on your computer monitor might be neat once or twice.
  15. I hope that big nosed yellow truck isn't Prime...
  16. Today? F*CK YEAH!
  17. It's the FIX Figuration Deep Striker, which doesn't /really/ count because it's basically just a giant space combat suit with unneccessary arms and a head.
  18. Shameless pulg AND something for you to ponder about your CF.... I'm so sorry. One can only hope yours is better.
  19. I happen to like Sony's browser...I just wish you could drag and select text to copy links that aren't hypertexted...
  20. I love that pic....
  21. Awww man, I wanna know exactly what Graham knows now.... pooey!
  22. Wow, unit 2 is awesome. I love this cute little statue...
  23. Ah crap, I might need one... wait, who want's there's detailed up so I can get a chance to handle one?
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