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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I got the Midway Arcade Classics collection today along wtih a 2 gig card for camp.... I forgot how hard some of these arcade games are... and how rediculously hard Mortal Kombat is And after wasting almost an entire day with various conversion programs and such trying to convert and put .mkv videos on my PSP, I ahve concluded that it is just too much effort and given up.
  2. Ask Devin very nicely
  3. Bumblebee's about to get shanked....
  4. Hi all, My PM box only shows items from June 2005 and back in my Sent PMs folder... so where the heck are all the rest of my PMs? Are my outgoing PMs even being sent? I know some of them have been received bc/ I got replies, but others I never heard back from, and with no record of them being sent, I have no idea what to think....
  5. Sweet. Thanks for that answer....that as exaclty what I wanted to know.
  6. Hmm... I'll chime here for two reasons... I think that posability on the Monster, even if to a degree would be pretty cool. While totally posable legs would probably kill you (and risk making the model weak or unstable,) the option for three poses like you described would be neat. sadly, I think a 1/60 Monster would be way out of my league, but I'll chime in more on the other Destroids, because I'm very interested in those in 1/60 scale (and let me know if that drawing was any help...) One other problem for me is that I'll be gone all summer, until late August, and I'd really hate to miss these... so I guess it'll depend on your actual timetable...
  7. Hey hey hey, eyes on the topic here... I still need to know if the shoulder Linear Gun operates via the computer or if the pilot had to physically move and aim the gun with the Dougram's hand... cmon, someone said that they'd seen it. And yeah, I wish VOTOMS sold better so we could see Dougram too.
  8. Haha, yeah, AC/5.... hmmm.. Linerar Turbo Cannon... so in Dougram is it more rail-rifle? Linear cannon usually makes me think of gauss rifle.... I was thinking it was more along the lines of a howitzer artillery gun. So, anyone seen it and know if it's auto targeting, or has to be held and aimed?
  9. Haha, it's almost all of the good ones....
  10. Ohhhhh..... thanks, I see it now.
  11. Okay, time for today's really random question: For anyone who's seen FotS:D, is the Dougram's big shoulder/backpack gun linked to the targeting computer, or does the Dougram have to use its hands to move the gun around and physically aim it?
  12. Then why is the audience a perfect mirror image?
  13. Just remember, the bank teller WILL NOT give you extra money if you come in armed...
  14. See? Do I lie? Isn't SFC amazing?
  15. The Defiant was always a really high point in a usually awesome Trek series... and I really loved Trials and Tribblations... I didn't know it was such a high-cost thing tho.
  16. YES! I can't wait to watch it.
  17. Well, us PVC naysayers should be pleasently surprised with these figures... the PVC is pretty solid, and feels nice and rugged on the big parts, and is soft enough on the small bits like handles and such that it won't break when you knock up against it, but also won't sag. I'm really impressed here... I was so worried about the PVC too.
  18. This one's really helpful to start off of the main site... EDIT: Alright, here's pictures of the three marked up by me with the joints and some notes... I'm no techincal artist, so bear with me, but I think they are pretty clear. Only thing I don't know about is the Phalanx's shoulders....
  19. Hmmm... I dunno what to do for extras, I guess it depends on what your set up is capable of... a cockpit would be awesome, and you could use that one scene in the animation for reference... 1/35 scale was more a joke than anything, I don't even want to think about how big that'd be. I still think 1/60 would be neat, but still probably bigger than anyone could reaslitically deal with. 1/60 still sounds nice for the other Destroids tho.
  20. Hmmm well, for the common legs, there's the hips, which are all around motion, and the knees, which are straight up 2d motion knees with some kind of cowling cover on the joints, and the feet have the ankle, and two part feet that move just like a Gundam's with the front half of the foot and the heel part being seperate and moving seperately... you know what? I'll grab some line art tonight and draw on the motions in photoshop for you... that'll make this alot easier
  21. It came it came it came! My Dougram is here, and it kicks so much ass!! this is such a gorgeous figure... too abd it's dark and overcast and today and I'm way too busy to set up lights to take some pictures...
  22. WOW! Put a coat of dullcote or matte varnish on that sucker!
  23. Gah! The gogles.... they do nothing... I'm not minidng the colored pics of Starscream at all.... I think that the fighter mode looks pretty cood colored... it's not like all that much of it is colored, most of the plane is still grey, it's just got some trim colors. Lots of planes have designs on their tailfins, so I don't mind that, and it's not uncommon to see colored nosecones for whatever reason... the only thing you have to put up with is the exhausts, whcih I don't really mind...
  24. Weird.... so aside from missing parts, are tehy pretty much the same quality as real 1/48s?
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