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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Sounds cool to me. A side story for the 04 would be neato... but how many ending movies can they make?
  2. Sweet! I can't wait to get a Super-Zaku (Geara Doga)!
  3. I gave up and pre-ordered it from BBTs, getting the innevitable out of the way early....
  4. That is just.... too bad.... shame he hasn't fought a critic with some physical presence yet.... I've gotta echo the sentiments that maybe some brain damage would improve his directing skills.
  5. Why does the HCM Nu have die-cast parts??? And man, the Zabi looks great...can't wait for it to get stateside so I can get mine.
  6. I saw this a coule of days ago... looks pretty righteous. "You guys are roast chicken!!" *KABOOOOOOM!* Seriosuly needs a US release for the dialogue alone.
  7. Oh.....so they box art CAN get worse....
  8. promethuem5

    Vf-1j Max

    To be fair and actually answer the question, I have not heard or seen anything that would suggest a M&M re-issue... and if there was going to be one, it'd be a ways off with all the new and already announced things scheduled. Before going to ebay tho, I'd put up a Wanted Post here on MW and see if anyone's got one they'd be willing to part with... might get it for much cheaper than ebay, and you can rest assured we're trustable here.
  9. I'll have to check.. i hope it comes with the Round Mover because the only reason I'd end up buying WP#1 would be if I was going to use the backpack and Missile launcher as parts for a kitbashed RSB/Turbo Custom equipment set. Come to think of it, didn't they release a RSB version of the Scopey? Seems like they oughta release the extra equipment for that, which I want really badly, in case you couldn't tell.
  10. promethuem5

    Vf-1j Max

    Hmmm... or you could try not acting like a turd Hamann. Perhaps Roberto only has so much money to work with and the prices on eBay are too high (not uncommon,) and he was hoping for a reissue to lower the prices... Oh and, another thing that might make us actually want to read your posts (not that your track record is so hot thus far) is capitilization... the shift key is only a few milimeters to the left (or right if you prefer!) from the letter keys... instead of criticizing and judging people you don't know for not wanting to have to take out another mortgage to buy toys, you could try *not* being a lazy wank and make your posts look like they weren't typed by a 13 yr old moron.
  11. A joint piece? Really? Sounds like I DO need to get the Round Mover set afterall....
  12. I think the kibble on MPSS is perfect... I am totally in love with how it looks and feels.
  13. The problem with mine is mor at the elbow, but the shoulder could be tighter as well.... i still love it tho. I'm getting ready to take the whole thing apart and weather and detail it and decal it up.... anyone know if Yamato plans on ever making the Trubo-Custom or RSB weapons equipment sets?
  14. So, what are your plans for this kit? I've always thought this is a gorgeous kit but doubt I'd ever be able to find one for myself...
  15. Exactly how I got into it too.... tho I payed 130 for my Yammie Scopedog.
  16. Just finished the script... basically nothing like old-school TF, but not horrible either... for the most part, I thought it was actually a pretty decent script... granted I still couldn't visualize it with anything but the familiar transformers designs we all know and love, but if the acting's good and the directing doesn't suck, this might not be too bad of a movie...
  17. Not Bandai kit PVC/Polycap material...
  18. That's mostly my feeling too. I'm still relatively excited about the movie from a story standpoint (provided Micheal Bay manages to shock us with some solid directing for once,) but I really really hate the designs so far... BT/Alts need some animation so very badly...
  19. Hmmm... looks gorgeous, but what happened to the shoulder fins? I was really happy to see that this one was supposed to have them. Other then that tiny detail, I am uber-excited. That battroid pic is simply stunning... blows any other 19 out of the water and then some
  20. Actually, making JB Weld sockets for ball joints is really easy... I do it all the time with plastic and it works like a charm
  21. I think the neck looks fine. I'm totally psyched about this...
  22. Oh god...it was simply amazing. The whole theater aplauded and cheered at Samuel L. Jackson's first appearance, first words, good swears, and best snake kills. It was the most righteous movie ever.
  23. Goin to see Snakes in an hour... I'm sooo excited!!
  24. The 1/15 scale is like, 5 inches tallish... I've got the Imai one still in the box, planning on doing the same thing you want to do someday. That or I'll break down and do a super-posable and detailed Gakken instead.
  25. Lol, please and thank you... too bad, I really like it.
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