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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Looks eh.... it's like, unfinished looking. MPSS is panel lines, decalled, and weathered... show me a Skywarp finished to the same standards and SS and I'll admit it was a good use of the body...
  2. The Sweepable wings seem like a doable one.... /MAYBE/ removable panels if Yamato is feeling ambitious... I seriously doubt any sort of lights on the valk itself... removable magazine better be one of them tho.
  3. My left horizontal falls off kinda easy when it's at an agle too actually.... I dunno about my cockpit tampo printing..didn't notice. All in all, I love it... the tons of tampo printing make me wet.
  4. I think the Skywarp custom would be more effective if ONLY the back was glossy...give it a stealth coatin craziness feel to it. Still cool....can't wait to see what other repaints they come up with, and if they keep the realistic color scheme theme, which I love.
  5. Too bad the first stiff wnd to blow by is STILL gonna knock him on his ass cuz he's a pushover! Seriously, a nice figure...gonna have to grab one myself.
  6. I wouldn't be too sceptical... I've used Future alot and always been impressed with its durability... and remember, I PLAY with alot of my toys after working on them!
  7. Is that a mask over the canopy or did you add some kind of effect to it?
  8. I like it alot, relaly slick lines and detail. Just wish it didn't have the same problem the 1/48 GBP has with the head sitting so low against the high chest.
  9. It's true. Look at Gundam.... lots of the earlier designs didn't have reloadable guns... in the original series, Amuor ditches dozens of beam rifles in space!
  10. Adorable.... Where the hell is the US's shipment of HCM Sazabis!?
  11. There's no reason for the VF-1 1/48 to be obsolete seeing as it's the best VF-1 ever made. Comparing the Vf-1 to the VF-0 is kinda touch and go....
  12. Are you kidding? I think that the toy is pretty damn durable for the most part... those wing hinges are a little delicate, but as long as you're careful, they'll be fine. I've been wooshing mine around the room and fighting my Alternators since I got it...
  13. You could probably add a scabbard function with a minumum of effort.... drill out a hole and use beam saber hilts from a Gundam kit (probably MG kit)... I'll have to look at it, because I really like the idea of SS having melee weapons...
  14. While interesting, ti doesn't really seem like it would add the degrees of motion the toy is missing... what you really need is a ball jointed ankle above the two-piece hinge joint.
  15. You know, Beam swords ala BT/Alt grimlock would be pretty cool....
  16. Yup, BBTS is awesome. I'll always vouch for Joel...great guy to do buisness with.
  17. Just got news that my VF-0A is getting ready to ship. I just got MP Starscream and didn't realize I was gonna have a second high-class toy so soon..... ooops.
  18. Just look at it this way: When it DOES come, you won't want to leave your house again.
  19. That's what i was thinking....Satin for the whole thing. It's not a total repaint anyways, just some touch ups....
  20. Oh. My. God...... opened up my baby.... Best TF since MPC Convoy, hands down. Maybe even better, because it's much more detailed and is alot more stable and playable without all the die-cast. THIS is what a Transformer toy should be.
  21. Uhh....can't wait to get home....my baby's gonna be there waiting for me.
  22. Hi all, I'm working on my Yammie YF-19 mod, including the hip mod, tightened joints, filling in some seams on the plastic parts, and some more accurate paint touch ups. My question is once all is said and done, would it be better to do the whole thing in a glossy, satin, or matte finish? I use matte on everything I do, but for this 'Toy' custom that's still gonna be like a toy (it's my play figure), I'm sort of thinking glossy. Thing is, I don't wait super glossy, so I'm wondering how a Satin finish would look? Has anyone else worked on something like this before? With the die-cast parts especially? Thanks foir the help, Ben
  23. You. Bastard.
  24. It's official: The 6" Titanium line is the best new Transformers line since BT/Alts began.
  25. Well, as long as it doesnt break and the marks on on the back, I dnt care. I just want mine....now!!
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