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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Quoted for truth! Great price comparably and amazing detail/engineering make this one of my favorite high-end lines. Edit: And making Megs a DEagle would be hott.
  2. Agreed...we're really gonna be hurtin real fast without someone makin decals and stickers... cuz lord knows Yamato can't do it.
  3. End of an era folks.... best basement decal maker ever...hands down.
  4. Dave, your setup is still one of the best I've ever seen!
  5. Double tap? Nooooo.... he needs to be thermonuculearly cleansed and sanitised so his ill breed can never affect the gene pool again.
  6. Baby!
  7. While I've always thought the Megatron gun thing was stupid bc/ of the whole size changing inconsitencies, I sitll think that this could be a totally awesome toy...
  8. YESSSS!!! I'm so excited.... great looking pics. G-man, I'm gonna echo Kensei's question...do you know how articulated the wings are on the hips? The way they flare out in the anime is one of the YF-19's big expressive features, much like the shoulders, and I'd really like to be able to pose them a bit like you cna on the 1/72 Yammie...
  9. I wouldnt get too worried about the red yet anyways... red is notorious for not coming out quite right in digital photos.... I'm psyched with every pic I see.
  10. Hmmm..... I guess.... I dunno, I definetaly like my Douggy and Alphonse better than my Eva...
  11. It's funny bc/ even tho noone's even paying attention to him, Bumblebes's gonna get his ass kicked.
  12. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I find it kinda funny that you say that when they are pretty much the most dynamic and posable (not to mention affordable!) versions of those characters ever released.
  13. I was gonna say the same thing...Mazinkaiser looks pretty rad, but that Getter 3 thing is pretty gay looking...
  14. Is it actually a ding in the plastic, or a plastic on-plastic collision scuff? If it's just color, you could gently sand it off... I can't remeber tho if the nosecone is painted or not.
  15. It can't possibly be a Yamato... but a Yammie SV-51 would be INCREDIBLE!! On a side note, are those smaller VOTOMS figures really Yamato figs? I like...
  16. Really! ? Well, that's awesome... serious cograts to you man.
  17. I will assuredly have to grab a copy of this...histarical writing... did you do any work besides the new cover, because it's very nice!
  18. links to ep2 and 3?
  19. Got my Alphonse in the mail today.... and I've gotta say, this is the best mainstream toyline to come out in years. I just can't get enough.
  20. Just got mine in the mail today.... and whooooboy is this thing gorgeous. Fighter mode is amazing... not quite as solid as the 1/48 but infinentaly prettier. Only thing that stinks is that there's a big superglue fog mark on the top inside of the right intake... some paint'll fix that tho. Transformation seems a tad bit finickyer...maybe because I was being super careful, as opposed to the relatively rough handling I'm comforatable wtih my 1/48s. GERWALK mode is stunning... much better than the 1/48. Battroid mode is pure toy porn... simply gorgeous. Articulation is great, no loose joints, just not quite as tight as the 1/48... incredibly detailed and awesome to look at....I can't wait to get some decals made and do a full over job on this thing...it's gonna look gorgeous. I noticed that the chicken hands seem to have gotten worse, tho.... I actually use the chicken hands on some of my 1/48s, but the overall fit with the gunpod in hand seems less well off here...especially gtting the trigger finger into the trigger slot... I think we need some fixed pose hands that swap at the wrist joint so they still have both rotation and the other joint.... someone get on that, stat! I was also really impressed with the feet.... the detial on the exhaust and the fan not splitting really make that part pop....
  21. I've got a custom mix of Black and Grey acrylics, Black acrylic ink, Future, and Water.... works amzingly for manel lines, and with some smearing from the panel lines provides great weathering as well....
  22. M<y Revoltech Alphonse is comming as well along with VF-oA.... just so HCM Sazabis for some reason.,..
  23. Someone find me a resin kit of that NeoGlaug...
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