Just got mine in the mail today.... and whooooboy is this thing gorgeous. Fighter mode is amazing... not quite as solid as the 1/48 but infinentaly prettier. Only thing that stinks is that there's a big superglue fog mark on the top inside of the right intake... some paint'll fix that tho. Transformation seems a tad bit finickyer...maybe because I was being super careful, as opposed to the relatively rough handling I'm comforatable wtih my 1/48s. GERWALK mode is stunning... much better than the 1/48. Battroid mode is pure toy porn... simply gorgeous. Articulation is great, no loose joints, just not quite as tight as the 1/48... incredibly detailed and awesome to look at....I can't wait to get some decals made and do a full over job on this thing...it's gonna look gorgeous.
I noticed that the chicken hands seem to have gotten worse, tho.... I actually use the chicken hands on some of my 1/48s, but the overall fit with the gunpod in hand seems less well off here...especially gtting the trigger finger into the trigger slot... I think we need some fixed pose hands that swap at the wrist joint so they still have both rotation and the other joint.... someone get on that, stat!
I was also really impressed with the feet.... the detial on the exhaust and the fan not splitting really make that part pop....