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Everything posted by Silverstreak

  1. 3. But only for the reactive armour. I have a feeling it will be my last Arcadia purchase too (once I have the armour). The value is just not there.
  2. Wow that's nice! And I see rubber treads too! I'm a little disappointed with the treads not being on the backs of the arms, but this is still an impressive piece! Might be my first DX9 purchase!
  3. I owned Takara V1 MP-09, no problems. Sold it cause I needed some fast cash. Many months later I bought the Hasbro version. It gets no special treatment over any other MP when being transformed and definitely gets a rougher handling then my Arcadia YF-19. No problems. MP Laserbeak - No problems. MP Megs is probably the only exception. It gets handled _very_ carefully. More so than the YF-19. I think that Arcadia need to do some factory shopping. I highly doubt that the one they're using is the only one that can meet their demands. There's always someone out there willing to do it cheaper.
  4. HLJ have taken payment. But now I've got to wait for MP Tracks :-/
  5. Not to mention it also contained the biggest jerk the TF franchise has ever known: Sentinel Prime. Who seriously didn't want to punch him in that massive chin of his?
  6. It's tied with Beast Wars for best series ever. Great story and characters. A lot of people are put off by the human villans but I think it's great to see something different and have a laugh. I'm slowly collecting all the toys. Some of the best transformers designs are in that line. I wish we'd got a supreme class Omega Supreme. It would have been great. It's a shame the toys and cartoon got cut short because of the movie.
  7. They're going with a blue nosecone. Enough said.
  8. Someone enjoyed it though, because this is happening now: http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/27-991/Archie-vs-Predator-1
  9. Yeah, but I hold the first one in such high regard purely for the opening scene with Blackout taking out the military base. It has a cool soundtrack too. ROTF is easily the worst of the lot though. While it has a few good fight scenes, it was far outweighed by all the bad stuff.
  10. I think you have it around the wrong way. The first one is a cool popcorn movie. Flawed, but enjoyable. After that they all went horribly downhill. So much so that I couldn't even get more than halfway through the 4th one before losing interest.
  11. Yeah I see it too. There is definitely something a little off about it. I think the hood needs to be a little flatter for starters. Side skirts, as stated above, need to be closer to the ground as well.I think the face sculpt looks a little "young" too.
  12. According to an interview on TFW with the designer, that's correct. He played around with different designs but a ball joint was the only thing compact enough to allow the transformation to work.
  13. I never had Trypticon as a kid but always wanted him. This is sooooooo bought
  14. Indeed. Season 4 of Animated would have had so many awesome toys. Marauder Megatron, (Powermaster) Armour for Optimus Prime... Plus we would have seen that great story continue.
  15. I managed to score one from HLJ. But haven't received a confirmation email yet. BBTS were going to try to get some. Keep an eye out over there.
  16. Amiami and HS sold out between page refreshes Sigh.
  17. I see nothing about it being very posable. All I can see is that you could pose it within the range of motion of the walking gimmick, which would make articulation very limited. No sitting, wide legged stances or neck articulation as far as I can see.
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