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Everything posted by Silverstreak

  1. He's fairly accurate, but a lot of compromises were made for the light/sound gimmick. His chest cannons aren't retractable and the battery pack means he has a huge ungainly backpack in bot mode which means from any angle other than directly front on, he looks dumb. His gorilla mode is excellent though and the jet mode is ok. Tank mode suffers the most overall.
  2. Yeah, Megatron scanned a baby T-Rex Tigatron was shown in the show as being bigger than Cheetor. I'm not saying that it won't happen, just that I'll be a bit disappointed if it is just a straight repaint with a new head. If they upsize it a bit, I'll be happy. What I really want though is a Masterpiece Optimal Optimus. Bring that on already!
  3. Tigatron and Cheetor are different animals. This is like the whole MP Sunstreaker thing all over again with all the people going "Why haven't we got MP Sunstreaker yet? All they have to do is repaint Sideswipe yellow and do a new head!" Tigatron is a lot bigger than Cheetor. Cheetor is a cheetah. Tigatron is a tiger.
  4. I really like Metalstorm. He invokes the same feelings I had for G1 Scattershot. My biggest issues with TFC have always been their colour choices/paint apps and their plastic finish. Paint apps/colours seems to have improved but I'm not sure about the plastic finish. I had Perseus and Uranos and the way they finsih their plastic was, to me, very cheap. It always reminded me of those cheap dollar store toys. I haven't bought a 3rd party combiner since Feral Rex. But I am watching their Piranacon closely.
  5. Looks pretty cool. The let down as always with these games will be the token single player campaign. I care not for multiplayer.
  6. Thanks Mechaninac
  7. How does that work? Am I able to cancel? I've already had my original order cancelled by an online retailer here in Australia. I didn't chase it then because the money could be put to better use. No keen to have it happen again
  8. Is anywhere still selling the 0S for a decent price?
  9. I agree with David, Feral Rex is my favourite. I have zero regrets about dropping the money on him. He's got a few flaws, but overall I think it's the best 3P combiner we've got to date. And when you can pull off poses like these, you can't lose I know that an oversize KO of Feral Rex has just been released. Some people on a local FB group got it and said the combined mode quality is pretty poor. They weren't impressed. Ares I have read has some stability issues. I was actually reading earlier today on TFW someone complaining about really weak hip ratchets in Ares making posing quite difficult. That plus the colours look gaudy to me (typical TFC) and they made some (imo) bad aesthetic choices. Warlord looks great from what I have seen. A very cool update of Predaking but as David said, the individual modes might be lacking and the massive amount of kibble may bother some. I'd suggest some YouTube reviews.
  10. ^Lol. Good to see the rubber ducky made an appearance
  11. Crap. My desire to own an 0S is dropping by the minute.
  12. That graph makes me sad
  13. Well, considering I just tracked down and bought a Yamato 21, you're most likely on the money.
  14. It took a personal trip to factory to find a good one...
  15. Hey wow! Your Arcadia 19 can stand unassisted!
  16. While the MP line is a fantastic thing and it's cool you're this enthusiastic, keep in mind that Soundwave is a high point in the line, especially with the cassettes. Not every release is as good as that. It's a great line, but some are better than others.
  17. Most impressive. How do you think the ARMDs will hold up? Like you mentioned earlier, there's not a lot of mass connecting them to the SDF
  18. This happened to me. He's cool and all, but as you said, 80s engineering, there's not a lot to him really. He'll make a great toy for my son when he's a bit older
  19. Bought it from a friend. It was missing his gun but that didn't worry me as its for my son. I paid $60 for it (it retailed for $200 I think here in Australia), I still feel like it wasn't worth it.
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