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Everything posted by Silverstreak

  1. It looks as though I successfully obtained a VF-31J Kai. Just gotta wait for December for it to be picked up and posted to me
  2. I know it's a little late but man! That is brilliant!
  3. Your write-ups are always a good read. Have you considered a way of indexing them? Once or twice I've wanted to go back and read your thoughts on something I was thinking of getting but it's buried in the vast depths of this thread. And while I agree with you that Meteor looks superior to the MP-11 mould, and might be worth the extra, I, like many, many other masterpiece collectors are already at least 6 versions deep in the seeker mould. So it's not a decision of simply replacing one character in your collection, but the possibility of replacing a significant portion of our collections. MakeToys have also only released Starscream. There is no guarantee that they will make the rest. Also, Takara may have another crack at the seekers in the future, and with so much other product competing for our money, you can then understand why people are hesitant to dive in on Meteor.
  4. Sky Shadow is great. He has, for me at least, broken the streak of (at best) mediocre leader class TF figures released in the last 4-5 years. He is certainly not without his faults but on the whole, everything he does, he does very well. He's decently posable, has a simple and fun transformation (I love how the tank turret hides in the legs) and while the jet isn't super, both his alt modes look good. I picked Sky Shadow because I have zero interest in Overlord (I have Carnifex. Enough said) but given how fun the mould is you can't go wrong with either.
  5. Future floor polish.
  6. Is the no war machine rule still a thing? Because like, Star Destroyer, Death Star, Helicarrier, etc, etc...
  7. Minimal paint apps. I too really like Bumblebee. He was a surprise present from my wife. I had no intention of getting it but I'm glad I did.
  8. AmiAmi still have it. That's where I got mine from.
  9. The same thing happened to me with Cheetor. I emailed them but have yet to receive a reply it hopefully it's the same as you.
  10. Whats going on there with your OpOp's chest cannons? They're not sticking out awkwardly! edit: looking closer, it's pretty heavily modded. Looks great. But I you've removed the wheels off his back so no tank mode?
  11. It's showing Preorders closed for me. Damn.
  12. I wish I'd gone in on that Megaman and got the Kickstarter exclusive colour. But yeah, hopefully we get something up around high MMC quality. If so I'll be very happy.
  13. I'm in for one of the bikes+riders. Can't really afford more but if they hit that Keneda stretch goal I'll find the money somehow!
  14. I disagree. I think the Hasbro Computon is an awesome effort. Takara's looks great too and is pretty cartoon accurate but at least the Hasbro version has decent looking hands and feet. Not those god awful hand-foot guns. I also like the colour choices on the Hasbro version for departing from the original scheme. The pinky-red really pops.
  15. I have Buzzing, Unique Toys version of MP Blurr and its solid as. The transformation is relatively simple and intuitive and locks together well in both modes. Plastic is solid. I have some aesthetic gripes with it but I can't fault the fit and finish. I also have one of their earlier releases, a Sharky, and it's pretty crap. They have come a long way.
  16. I can get onboard with that list!
  17. Well, that's the great thing about opinions, they're allowed to be different. I own the Toyworld Astrotrain. I put the visor on mine to complete the toon look. It's a great Astrotrain, for a Classics/Chug collection. In no way do I see it as an MP in any way. And that's saying something because the prerequisites for what is admissible to my MP collections are pretty lax. The most obvious being that it's way too short. And DX9's Astrotrain isn't stubby, he just needs to be tall enough to accomodate enough headroom for Devastator, remember?
  18. I really hope the lions have a decent amount of posability. That was the issue I had with the Mad Toys version. Ideally outward leg movement for some wide stances and the ability for the heads to look up and down.
  19. I back mikeszekely. Marvel comic G2 Sideswipe is where it's at.
  20. Haven't watched the reviews, but I agree with you. The thing I liked about Classics back in the day is that it was, mostly, reimagined Tramsformers. The alt modes were different, the bot modes varied from G1 and gave us some great figures. Now it seems like the main goal is to be as G1 as possible and anything outside that box is almost unanimously panned. I love G1. I like that that is where the Masterpiece line is going. But chug I prefer to be a modern take just keeping a few design cues to enable us to recognise the character. It's 2016. Stop making Soundwave and Blaster Cassette players! TF: Prime did a good job with Soundwave there.
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