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Everything posted by Silverstreak

  1. I'd say it's most likely a combination of these 2. Static and the friction properties of the plastic.
  2. This. Because the company that has been designing and building toys/collectibles for years couldn't possibly know as much about engineering these things as me! Funny how everyone's an expert.
  3. http://kotaku.com/a-new-robotech-series-is-coming-1600164637 Kotaku article about it. I like how they say any extra/unspent money will go toward "future episodes". But if it never gets picked up and no extra episodes ever get made...
  4. Wow. Someone threw $5K at this. While I don't mind RT, O disagree with the whole concept what they are doing here. $500K for a pilot??? HG must pay their staff very well...
  5. After a day and a half auction is up to $8900 US. Will be interesting to see what they end up going for.
  6. best part of the valk
  7. I wish I stood a chance of owning these. http://www.ebay.com/itm/UNRELEASED-Transformers-Generation-2-MENASOR-Motormaster-4-other-Stunticons-/171371133142?ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en&fromMakeTrack=true
  8. Correct. I highly doubt there is any truth to that rumour. Where did it start? That sounds like the sort of thing that, if you could spread about your upcoming release could greatly improve your sales if people were to believe it.
  9. Citizen stack was well underway before MP Mugnus was even announced. By the time Takara announced it, KFC would have invested a significant amount of cash into the project and, if nothing else had to push ahead to try to at least break even. No 3rd party company in their right mind would intentionally invest all that money to try to take on Takara with a release.
  10. Answer: Only on the Cannon Fodder version. Although we won't know about the Luca custom until it's released.
  11. Fifth use of the mould isn't it? I don't think Hasbro get their own moulds made, they just use Takara's. In which case Takara Starscream and Sunstorm have been pumped through that mould as well.
  12. I haven't seen it either. But I'll be all over Star Saber like a fat kid on cake
  13. As an adult I'm not happy that the $300+ YF-19 I have can't stand up without me worrying it's going to fall and break. And considering some of the problems people have I consider myself lucky that that is all that is wrong with it. Or how about the VF-171 CF? I take your point about TFs and the last few years. Look at armada/energon/cybertron toys. Solid as bricks because they are, well, bricks But they were great as far as playability goes. Kids loved them. But as time goes on and profits become more and more important, cuts happen and AOE first edition leader Prime is what you are left with. In fact I was looking at by FoC G2 Bruticus the other day and thought: "Why the hell do I still have that?" Because it's garbage. I thought about picking up one of the 3rd party add ons for it but what's the point? It still looks like crap. Design is being sacrificed for greater profits
  14. I agree. Kronos, while scaled to fit in the MP line, doesn't fit in aesthetically to me. It just seems to simple. MP is supposed to be a definitive version of the G1 character made to today's standards of engineering. Kronos seems more like UT's Predaking, G1 with articulation (I'm aware that Skyfire never had a G1 release, but you get my point). I bet that FansToys will nail it.
  15. I must admit that the yellow paint apps on mine perhaps aren't as sharp as they could be. although I'm unsure if that is because of the light colour contrast and moulded detail or the actual paint. Still looks awesome though
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