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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thanks for all the pics guys! I visit here every day, checking them all out.. Im expecting to recieve my ZERO in the next few days!!
  2. OK, I hate to admit it, but I have the entire Robotech collection on DVD... I love it too! I also have the Japanese movie DYRL, (Perfect edition) and that is sweet too.. My question is, what is the difference between the US released Robotech, and the original MAcross? What am I missing by not having the original? Is it worth me dumping my Robotech DVDs for? Thanks in advance!
  3. That looks sweet. Nice work.
  4. 1994cobra

    1/48 Gbp

    Man thats insane! I cant believe all the stuff Yamato is coming out with.. Its definately cool, but if I get the lowvizV2, I dont think I would want to display it with the GPB2 armor on, since you would not be able to see the camo paint, which is what makes the LowvizV2 intersting to look at IMO. I dont know though, a green version of that armor is very interesting. DEfinately something to think about. Damn, I just wish this stuff was cheaper.. $100.00 for another armor set is not chump change.. $200 for the Stealth with strike Armor $150 for the new low viz $100 for low Viz armor $$450!!!!
  5. aaajin, Those are some sweet pics! The decals look awesome.. Thanks!
  6. Holy Macross Goodness, that is bada$$. Cant wait! Only problem is, no Valk exchange to get one!!
  7. I will definately be picking a new low viz up.. And that "version 2 parts" sounds intersting too.. Heres hoping its a low viz version of the Strike armor! I will pass on the stealth version however.
  8. Kevin, Out of my 4 valkyries, we bought three of them through you.. My favorite stories: My Girlfriend suprised me twicee with valkyries for Christmas... TWICE she was able to order exactly what I wanted, wihthout me knowing.. She knows nothing about valks, but she would call Kevin up, and he would help her out... Come Christmas, I was always totally shocked that she was able to get me exactly what I wanted, without ever asking me, or giving me the slightest clue what she was up to.. Thanks Kevin.. You made a few christmas's and Birthdays something to remember.. Goodluck with your future endeavors..
  9. I would be interested if price is OK. We appreciate your work as always.
  10. I am looking for a BP-9
  11. Does anyone have an extra BP-9? I need one for my Hik 1-S.. Thanks!! Hopefully someone has one... Edit: thanks Haterist.. Sorry I did not reply sooner..
  12. The pirce of these toys is insane.. I have 3 1/48's, 1 strike armor, and 1 GPB armor coming in a week or 2. They are great little toys/models, but they are WAY overpriced. Someone mentioned that the "average collector" has 6 or more 1/48's... C'mon, back to reality.. Most average collectors probably have 1 or maybe 2 1/48 Valks.. My father is a "average" macross fan.. Hes not crazy like alot of us, but he is a fan in a more casual manner.. I clued him in to the 1/48's, he bought one and liked it, but complained that what you get is not in line with what you pay.. I honestly agreed with him... Yamato is makeing a ton money off of these things.. Even if they are making small mfgr runs, the price is still far away from what it should be.. Then add to the fact that the US dollar is not as strong, and you have expensive overseas shipping, and also that the "middle man" has to make a buck to cover his expenses and to make a little profit.. And you have, what amounts to.. and very expensive toy/model. My Yamatos are some of my favorite toys/models in my collection.. But they are definately over-priced. It comes down to... If you dont like the price, dont buy them... Oh, and on a side note, IMO, the Toynami masterpiece collection is entriely under-rated.. No they are not as nice as the Yamato's... But they are not **that** bad, and honestly,they have alot of advantages over the old chunky monkeys, and if the Yamatos never came to fruiition, Im sure alot of you would be waving the Toynami flag, right now..
  13. Kurt your stuff is amazing.. Take care..
  14. I find it hard to believe these stands are/were at hobby loby..
  15. Nice job.. Terrific movie accurate custom!!
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