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About Nilrem

  • Birthday 03/16/1978

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  • Location
    Blighty (UK for those that don't get it)

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. If it's got 5.1 sound and the original release didn't, i'd guess they are probably using the sound mix that Madman and Manga UK did (in whch case the movie will probably still be stereo). If it is the same mix, it doesn't use the rear speakers massively, but it does use them very effectively at times.
  2. my vote would go for 21, or possibly 14 some really nice designs on all of them though.
  3. i just watched last nights one, and have to say that so far this has been one of the best series of the (last) year I was rather worried at first about the changes from the original one, but so far most of the changes haven't been for the worse. From what I remember of the old series there wasn't a great deal of ongoing story, the new one seems to have a well thought out ongoing storyline (or four). i've got the opening credit's music as a video clip if anyone wants it (about 8mb), but it's not great quality as it's recorded from the video out on my digital cable and i've not had much experience compressing my TV' cards mpeg2 output to divx.
  4. i've got a feeling the art for the UK version was the same as the cardboard box version, or very similar. What I can't remember is if it was snap fix who did it in the U.K. or someone else, for some unknown reason i'm thinking matchbox but i don't think that could be right - it was most likely airfix.
  5. I used to have this model, and I think I still have some parts of it somewhere (I remember seeing it in the past couple of years), probably in one of the bags of toys I put in the loft I don't remember what series/film it was from though.
  6. i'm hoping to get my Macross Box sets through the post in the next couple of days, assuming Royal Fail don't mess up* they were shipped air mail on about the 16th and should have arrived in time for christmas *and they aren't at the bottom of the pile at customs (in which case it could take weeks)
  7. Apparently the Madman R4 release of Macross shouldn't be affected by this, in the words of their message board admin So hopefully it will still be available officially from Australia for a while. *added to make it slightly clearer
  8. www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk doesn't seem to have the voltron DVD on the site. Play.com have it for £5.99 delivered if you're in the UK otherwise Amazon.co.uk and a few others have it.
  9. i guess it's time to bite the bullet and order, i've been meaning to get it for ages I just hope that this isn't the last time we get to see uncut Macross for sale legitimately.
  10. sorry double post
  11. on the off chance that anyone is interested, the UK Macross Plus "Ultimate" collection from Manga can normally be got for about £8-9 ($16), plus shipping these days, and has two DVD's with the OVA episodes on, and a third with the movie version. The picture/transfer on them isn't bad at all, and is the same as used on the R4 Madman disks (Madman actually did the transfer). Having just looked at it with PowerDVD even on the computer it's not bad. Unfortunately I can't think of anywhere off hand who does it at that price and ships outside Europe (it's RRP is £20/$33 but it's been available at the lower price almost constantly for the past 18 months).
  12. I quite enjoyed it, but as someone has already said it would probably have been better as a shorter series - 50 odd episodes especially considering how many times they must have reused some of the footage I could have probably sung planet dance in my sleep by the end of the series (i watched it over the space of a week whilst house sitting), i really started to dislike it but couldn't skip it. Some of the characters were good, others were very so so, but it was nice to see some of the character development from Max and Millia, and others. not to mention the way that it seemed that old mechs were owned in much the same way we own 4x4's and old pickups
  13. I think I forgot to post i received my mech box (#14) on Monday and it's lovely thanks to everyone for their hard work i quite like the blue colour scheme macross plus boxes (the fighter diagrams with the macross plus logo on the top etc)
  14. i've got a feeling www.dvdpacific.com have the sets for about $42-$45 a pop (not sure if shipping is free in the US). that's where i'll probably end up getting mine from next month (about $150 for all 3 sets delivered to the UK not counting import taxes)
  15. that looks really really nice
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