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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. we have a place alredy
  2. thanks for the awsome con. btw. i shoudl hear back shortly about the sub project. I'll taek pics of the rec room sometime this week ali
  3. i got mor epics as soon as i get my laptop back i'll post ali
  4. i'll brign my sony cam and take pics. ali
  5. yep . which i have lol
  6. yes sir *agent 1 is my role model and hero*
  7. history has proven that all one has to do is spam and claim that another person wants to start a flame war to get a topic locked. this is not really fair. it is usally the same people too. this is bs. it needs to change and change now.
  8. dud ei told you i dont; have paypal. ali
  9. it is somthign he did over 20 years ago. who gives. I have my oriignals on dvd. move on with your life. wait sorry forgot who i was talking to. lol. j/k
  10. Yeah we wouldn't have the faboluos masterpieces and the fantastic matchbox's toys today, and we had to buy those crappy yamatos thanks Robotech! fform wehere i see it. I have my yamatos. and I like my mp alpha. thank you very much.
  11. I'm sure the truth does hurt, and that's why you've been running from it on oh so many topics lately. But I surely don't see much truth in Greg's comments. I mean, he's claiming that he made Robotech more intelligent and mature than the originals, but freely admits that the more adult themes were edited out. He claims that the original creators thanked them and said that Robotech was better than their work... but I suspect he's only refering to Tatsunoko and not Studio Nue, who actually created Macross. greg is so full of it. Macek and HG bought the rights from Tatsunoko, who were given partial rights to Macross as payment for their production work. Last I checked, though, there were still some legal issues about what rights Tatsunoko actually had and how much of that they could have sold to HG. It may have been a fairly illegitimate deal. your opinion which the courts of japan disagreed with, several times. meaning unless they override it. it's fact. deal with it. A dubious opinion, to be sure. making them better is a matter of taste. buying the rights is what happned. You tell it how it is when you speak of facts. You are entitled to your opinion, not only is it not a fact that Robotech is better than the originals, it is an opinion that most people posting on these boards do not share. he said that the purchase was ligit. this is fact. rest is opinion. which he engitled to
  12. Careful. You're attempting to use logic and sane reasoning in the face of all this rhetoric. Bleh...if you're going to point fingers, you should start with your beloved Snegoff interview. Yellowlightman has a point that anybody who has seen both Macross and Robotech should realize; For the most part, the dialog is relatively unchanged. Therefore, where do these claims of "improvements" over the originals come from...? Oh yeah, its the usual HG rhetoric that they've thrown around since '85. But I won't attempt to use logic and sane reasoning in the face of your usual blind devotion to all things Robotech. haha. so sad... I say the same thing. How can rt suck wehn 70-90% of the dialgoue is the same and get spit on my face telling me that it all sucks cause it;s robotech. people who make fun of others based on what they like should get a life.
  13. you can't take one message which is about how hg obtained the source material for rt. which is a fact. then cobime it with another post ans say it is relevent. You sir are starting the flame war.... the truth on the legality of hg's actions obviosly did hurt you or you would not stoop to this obvioulsly LOW tactic to start a flame war to end this topic. good day
  14. i have pics of my evolving colleciton . lol
  15. never payed them if you have them and want to try. drop on by and we can try and see. Shutokou battle is not multiplayer.
  16. bleach is pretty fun. more fun then dark stalkers.
  17. most games are hot swapable. meaning you can put the same game into other psps's and play with only one copy.... i said that in my original post....
  18. and you say this on a 41 page topic devoted to the psp... also about playing at an event where taking consouls and pcs are impracticle. yeah. very relevent your comment is.
  19. i cna;t belive noone is intrested in playign psp or ds at the mw con. topic
  20. stop wasting badwith. Honestly.
  21. if some of the dealers/artist etc can offer prizes it would be cool. for ds I have feel the magic metrio prime: hunters demo spiderman 2 super mario 64 wario ware touched for psp bleach: beat the soul dark stalkers chronicles shot shot : open tee lumines mercury metal gear acid ridge racer wipe out pure which games should we feature. any ideas? *note* thoes games are what i have to bring and are not give aways! btw. you do not need some of the psp games to play. you can hot swap them and play multi. */note* ali
  22. firmware 1.51 for usa is out. http://www.us.playstation.com/PSP.aspx?id=...ing/update.html
  23. You forgot to mention the best part of that article... the 360 is going to be backwards compatible. You mean limited backwards compatibility, only the games Bill chooses will be playable on Xbox360, thats as good as no compatibility at all LOL Well officially they are gonna try to go backwards compatible for all games. But they have to visit each game to do that according to my inside source at Microsoft. What does that mean? It could be very well they will make it backwards compatible but in time for the release? I dunno. I remember a couple of months ago my source said they wouldnt even do backwards compatibility. Also DOA4 looks good as the launch title for X360. DOA4 screenshot I would be disappointed in Sony if they didnt make the PS3 backwards compatible. Even Nintendo Revolution is backwards compatible. it i backwards compatible to the psx. lol.
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