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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. Whats are the odds. I wouldn't give it much because if HG doesn't pull this off, they are pretty much out of business. 338017[/snapback] alll they need is you as a cameo in it. Anything with agent one would be so awsome they would need to redefine the word awsome just to describe it.
  2. That film doesn't deserve to be the cause of any banishing...except that of itself. But I suppose that's wishful thinking. 337792[/snapback] I rather enjoyed Stealth. Was far better than it was made out to be, though admittedly with it's share of flaws. 337816[/snapback] that chick hd a nice ass.
  3. My collection as it was a whiel ago. I will take pics again as soon as i have time. which shoudl be soon ali http://www.livejournal.com/users/ali_sama/37434.html
  4. since 1 is out. what do you guys think? ali
  5. do we need a pinned topic? the rt topics are limited to toys or licensing?
  6. bs while i don't care for the movie. you cannot stop talk about an ontipic subject because you dont; like it. you are not the owner of this site. your not god. banning people makes you think you have power? dream on fanboy.
  7. all the concentrated greatness would cause the earth to be a massive black hole.
  8. Thats right. Try your hardest to be just like me. 315509[/snapback] would that not cause a massive black hole and eventually end the universe?
  9. i talked to the yamato rep at comicon. he said it will sell here for $97 for the set. aka all the figures together.
  10. he is 6 foot 2.
  11. yep. man. the browser is soo nice compared to the wipeout one. saving images and movies to yoru memeory card is awsome. i am waiting for my 1 giger now whahah
  12. thanks. i got one yesterday. wohoo. getting it wensday.
  13. yep. i am waiting on shawn to send me the stuff so i can get the subs put on the video and correctiosn made if needed.
  14. if you ever reply to my email we can get this done?
  15. make f91 the way it was meant to be
  16. psp browser is now official. here
  17. wow, what an idiot. I hope nobody is stupid enough to bid on that bootleg. Wow, the things people sell these days for high prices. 309465[/snapback] it says 24.99 where did you get the figure from??
  18. i got it here and it;s in stock
  19. is he in the country though?
  20. Hey man, edit your message so your email address reads: ali-sama@ cox.net That way a spambot won't collect it. danke. btw any chance of you going on msn? ali
  21. we need to talk about the project and the rec room ali ps. email em. ali-sama@ cox.net i'll send you my phone number. . or pm me. ali
  22. my lakes reck center
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