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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. No. That is what i need. So i can pay for the room, and for admission.
  2. if you want to drink. Bring your own. lol.
  3. move here. My mom can get you a good deal on a nice house. Also we can hang!!
  4. Rob: how long are you staying in the US? Ali Sama: oh ok your rec room is bigger. Are there any requirements? Liek preregister this place? do we need to hold a reservation? Is there a waiting list? thanks Oh also start thinking of parking. when you get the chance, please check out that TV and see what kind of inputs there are and how accessible they are. 356897[/snapback] yeah I need to reserve it. The bottom area with the fireplace. the bar area is free. It will cost me $100 for the room $1 each guest. I need to talk to judy to make sure everything goes wel. Top bar area will be for food, games etc. bottom will be for display, discussions etc. I have a device that will convert any signal to it. svhs etc. it has rca and normal imputs. i have checkjed before. we have a good parking lot btw. I'll post pics from google earth in a second. pic of the parking lot is up in the other topic.
  5. drop by in may, we can go out have fun.
  6. Ok. then your gf stayed? YOu told me that she woudl leave and that you cannot hold it? The rec area is much bigger. if you want to do it it's cool. I will take pics in a few. Me, you and shawn talked about this last con. pics are here
  7. He no longer has access to the apartment.
  8. I'll post up pics of my rec area tomarrow afternoon. I am going to go there tomarrow to take some pics. I need to do this in advanced. So . we will need a time and date. Plus how many will attend in advance. Everyone will be my guest for this. No admission dues, no food cost. We need a time so I can reserv the room and pay for everything. Ali ps. Shawn and I talked about this last year. check out pics here
  9. nothing and nothing
  10. 'if paypal does nto do it. your own credicard company will.
  11. go here
  12. Issue 4 of what? 352447[/snapback] prelued to shadow chronicles. I colored issue 4.
  13. tthank you tommy!!!
  14. ty all. btw I got my ring in today. Oh and my comp copies of issue 4, whahahhahah.
  15. nope. I will converte my garage into a studio. It is carpeted and well vented. I can put stuff there for display too. she likes my stuff actually.
  16. ty. hell no. She is no tlike that. GO on im if you wish, we can talk. she is alot like me in fact, lol. you rock!!!! ali
  17. hopefully in the fall
  18. check out my live journal for details. link below.
  19. Whats are the odds. I wouldn't give it much because if HG doesn't pull this off, they are pretty much out of business. 338017[/snapback] alll they need is you as a cameo in it. Anything with agent one would be so awsome they would need to redefine the word awsome just to describe it. 338048[/snapback] Hey thats why we all come to MW baby. 338049[/snapback] i can arrange it. lol. well I can try rofl. Agent 1 cameo in rt comic. man it will sell out. ps. go on im. i got some news.
  20. i was in a bad place.
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