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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. i got form blasto toys for 89 i think.
  2. i made an order on sunday night and it arrived today. thank you for the tip.. nu gundam , the oriignal gundam, gp01 fb and gudnam mkII aue colros are all minme wohoo btw he shipped it all fo r$6 via ups ground and it was all well packaged with popcorn styyrafoam ali
  3. thisis jsut a lame attempt at publicity. any vampirte story will haev similar elements. it;s in the lore and well established.
  4. yeah I like this one. I have seem mso tfo the anime and own all the manga. the anime and manga are diffretnin a few major plot points though both entertain alot. this is a game i woudl love to play myself.
  5. i have the nova chip. and it boots srwa2 just fine. no swap nada.
  6. enjoy
  7. BTW, it's onee (‚¨‚Ë‚¦), not one (‚¨‚Ë). u‚¨Žov doesn't come on its own -- you need to type u‚¨Žo‚³‚ñv or u‚¨Žo‚³‚Üv in order to get the kanji. Otherwise you will end up with u”öªv, as you did. Actually, FYI, I couldn't easily read what you wrote -- had to force the browser to use a certain encoding. This is true if the browser is set to autoselect. ‚’J@‹IŽq (Noriko-Takaya) probably need to use HTML tags to indicate the language/ fonts used in order to be user friendly.. “x‚à it messed up becuae i placed that space at the end. and I did not notice it sicne I wanted to sperate the words for him/her. ali
  8. Japanese (especially Kanji) draw heavily from Chinese anyway, so it's not wrong to use those fonts either. You can try using MS Mincho, but ideally for websites you might want to go with Unicode -- its a more potable method. Older OS like Win98 may need an optional download in order to read Japanese text on the web browser. W2K and XP comes with the necessary software to do so out-of-box, so they don't need to download. Also, MS provides the Input Method Editor (IME) for people to write Japanese text, which is normally what I used to write. As long as I stick with MS products, I'm fairly sure that the majority of the people out there can read what I write. However, the best way to do it might be as you have -- write them as an image file and link to them as pics. That way, regardless of whether they are using W98 or W2K they would be able to read your text. if he goes with shiftjis or unicode anyoen with a internet explorere or netscape cna easily read it. tha tis why i asked him what os he has. if it is cxp it;s very easy to do as Id id in the smaple above. takes secodns and yone can read it.
  9. what os are you running? ƒKƒ“ƒoƒXƒeƒ‹@‚¾‚¢‚·‚«I ƒVƒˆƒcƒNI@Ž„@‚Æ@‚¨Žo—l@‚ª@ƒsƒCƒƒcƒgIH
  10. vf1d isnt;a trainer it;s a doubel seater.
  11. i ttied my hands at it
  12. *imagiens all th enice transformers, valkyries and gundams whcih can be made using this material*
  13. Priem is mine prime is mine whahahaha. I got my rpreorder set. whahahahahahah. Priem is mine prime is mine
  14. congrats!! i have that one too and I love it
  15. 1/72 = 3 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 2 *stats updated*
  16. Ali Sama

    max 1s 1/48

    i tried. oh well.
  17. Ali Sama

    max 1s 1/48

    i want a max in tv colors!!! i phtoshoped a roy 1s to get that. it;s looks awsome!!
  18. Ali Sama

    max 1s 1/48

    oh well. here is somthign to look forward to for a custom *note* I did soem more quick touchups *note*
  19. i had a wierd trasnformers dream last night. they all came tovisit our world. and unicron got pissed about hsi toy beign so fugly he threw a tantrum along with the other armada toy lines. a huge war eraupted and so many peopel died. stoop the evil. don't buy that toy!!!
  20. Ali Sama

    Meeting with yamato

    ok. serisoly. 1: any word on putting out replace metn parts fo rall the vf 11b buyers who's toys broke. 2: any chance for better hands for the current 1/48 line
  21. Ali Sama

    Meeting with yamato

    thank you. you rock!!!
  22. Ali Sama

    Meeting with yamato

    why nto ask for the miria(sp?) cyberdoll or personcon!!
  23. NICE!!1 go and vote!!!
  24. i amde a poll ont he feedback area for them to put it back. go vote!!
  25. yeah I know. it;s nto a big deal. it was just funny to me. I iwsh they woudl put the sicif and other anime board.
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