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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. good choice. I saw one at the mw con and I liked the low viz. I finnaly broek down and bought oen too ali
  2. I used to own a ij hikaru. weh I was 8. i tbroke:( the hand jsut came off. then oen day when i was at school. my mom was tryign to keep the kdis in her chidl care quiet so she let them play with my child hood toys. gone in 1 day:( my vf 1j(the oirignal japnese one) my magingar z(dicast japense) voltron(dicast japense) devestator techno bots(1 of them lived) alpha red original gekken. the alrge ones. *crys*
  3. sorry typos fixed.
  4. +"legalized bootleg " is an oxy moron
  5. i got one for $150 shipped. wohooo. Once my 1j arrives form kevin my 1/48 collection will be complete Like my 1/60 is. Well for me anyways. the ones I really wanted. Whahahahah The only thing I will probably buy if they release them in 1/48 would be vf1a max tv colours and gps 1/60fs I have vf1a hikaru/rick vf1s roy vf1s roy strike vf 1j hikaru/ rick 1/72 vf 19 vfx colours yf 21 fast pack vf 11b 1/65 vf 19 kai vf 17 1/48 vf 1s roy 1 strike/super pack 1/48 low viz
  6. Ali Sama

    vf1a hikaru mod

    can I see apic?
  7. Ali Sama

    vf1a hikaru mod

  8. WOW !!! Now I really feel informed ! short, to the point content about almost unknow games... Please don't quit your day job man don't be rude. anyway to be on topic. I rlealy like "rise of nations" and war craft II/ i need ftof idn my wc3 cd thoguh it;s mia sicne i moved *crys*
  9. Ali Sama

    vf1a hikaru mod

    i wan tot make mine fast pack complient. I figure ic na sjtu swap the part of th eback pack that accepts the rocket packs form the 1j and I belive the arms woudl fit. my question is the legs parts. they have guids fo rth eholes but hre holes ar efilled up. shoudl I jsut drill or what? ali
  10. yesbuy it here $47.99 dirt cheap
  11. YOUR NUTS!!!!!
  12. why get it brined. my ps2 plays imports jsut fine withthe chip
  13. How was the anime clip? Was it incorporated into the movie or part of a preview for Volume Two? Could you tell it was Production IG's work? B) i liked it. it was very well icnorperated into th efilm and yes it was produced by them ali
  14. saw it. fight scnes where cool. decent anime clip. go see it ali
  15. i;d get a chip ali
  16. all your pms are in th eold board. jsut go to it and go to your control center
  17. i got mine today . mahahahah
  18. Basically, after two rounds of lawsuits, "Tatsunoko" (w/c seems to me the production company) has won "copyrights" over this Macross production (since they were the ones who fronted the money and were responsible for deadlines). This is a victory over "Studio Nu". However, "Studio Nu" yet owns the copyrights to the character designs and costumes that pop-up in this production.
  19. did you see th eothers i put up?
  20. more here
  21. yeah if you want i'll post more. here is another. nto of same people thoguh
  22. she is cute
  23. I took these at expo *edit* more expo pic scan be found here*edit*
  24. my frist valkyrie
  25. damn that thign is HUGE!
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