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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. I agree. I haven't seen anything from Energon yet that I would spend my money on. In fact, I totally passed on Armada because I think all the toys sucked. Well, Unicron looks like a likely purchase, but that will probably be the only Armada toy I'll get. It's cool that Takara still thinks about the older TF fans with regards to the reissues and the upcoming Alternators and Prime toy. Those are definitely worth looking out for. The other lines are just too kid-oriented for my tastes. I did pick up some of the RID stuff like Prime, Omega Supreme, and some of the the other cars because they reminded me of the G1 days, and I thought they were designed well. Omega Supreme??? whenw here? also unicron sucked.
  2. Ali Sama

    eBay Scam alert

    he replied i replied givign him links to the real prooiuct and waht he was selling. hopefully he will cancell it Ali *updated* should be over soon. poor guy was probably jipped by another person . here buy this from me cheap and sell it on ebay. oh well.
  3. Ali Sama

    eBay Scam alert

    please read what people have posted before replying ali
  4. Ali Sama

    eBay Scam alert

    i emaild him politly informing him it;s not a joon ali
  5. Ali Sama

    eBay Scam alert

    i posed a link to one tha tlooks exaclty like his. ali
  6. Ali Sama

    eBay Scam alert

    it is nto even a 1j. th ebox says it;s a 1j and he clales it a 1j rofl.
  7. yeah 30-40 each normally
  8. Ali Sama

    eBay Scam alert

    the box is for a 1j. rofl damn hsi box msut be wha tis worht th emoney
  9. it;s nto the laws. it;s the compnay who messes it up.
  10. Actually unless something changed, the price point was at $50. I have a pre-order up at Twinmoons for somewehere in the mid $40 range. I am not sure where HLJ got that 7800 yen price. IIRC, the price point for toys released in Japan has always been traditionally higher for the same item with a Domestic release. It's only because the Escaflowne is being released Stateside by Toycom that it can sell for so much less. Otherwise if Valk Exchange, Twinmoons and other e-Tailers were to import this item (so it would be Yamato's name on the box as opposed to Toycom's) the price would be more in line with the 7800 Yen that HLJ is charging. -b. no he is gettign japense version for preporders ali
  11. yeah but kivins prices are stil cheaper.
  12. kevin is sellign them cheap. $50
  13. there are emus out that that can boot th eps2 logo. lol. so what. if it does nto work it does nto exist in th eoptions. unelss they are wilign towat 5 years or os to play it.
  14. bought my copy. . wha tabout you guys.
  15. no tleg chest plate thanks ali
  16. Is it just me, or has your ability to type gone down a considerable amount in the last week or so? Anyway, if that's the 1/60, then I think they're all like that. no it;s not. my other ones are fine ali
  17. hi, foir soem reson the hcest area of my ij wont; snap int p place perfectly.
  18. try consoule source for info they haev a nice COMPARISON CHART
  19. its; worth aroudn 30-40 at best.
  20. fast packs are for space....................
  21. #1 an iso is illega,. #2 there is no ps2 emulator
  22. its; a movie. what they did was string all the aniem clips form the shwo together and add a movie. it;s pretty cool. i saw it a whiel ago ali
  23. ‚¨‘O‚¨ŽE‚·II j/k
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