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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. damn you .
  2. voices canbe replaced easily. that is a non issue. i knew a guyy in my aniem class who could impersinate jim hensin and you coudl nto tell the diffrence.
  3. their out in english..... Rez (at last check) was fairly rare in english and the biohazard games are playable and good. And they both don't need japanese knowledge. And there was the version of Rez that came with the trance vibrator. biohazard is resident evil. why would he want a vibrator?
  4. their out in english.....
  5. final fantasy X international initial d super robot wars alpha 2nd sd gundam gen neo
  6. i got mine today. the box coudl be better. it looks cheap. the insert is vcery informative. has alto fo godo stuff form the sereis. including a rank chart of officers. the video quality si decent for an old sereis like this. they trasnlated the song and put th eromanji so you cna sing with it. it;s nto very catchy imho. I do like th serei sso far however. soem sequaence happen in a wierd order if your used to robotech events. ali
  7. that is sweet!
  8. try legend of galatic heros. epic scifi. There aren't any big robots in LotGH, let alone ones that transform. yeah buti tis; good. he cna try ryu virus or gunbuster for robots.
  9. try legend of galatic heros. epic scifi.
  10. Nothing, but it seems you don't get the point to repeat: In other words: that excuse could be used to open any OT discussion I just used some "over the top" examples to point that out yoru going to extreems to dismiss omthign which is not. it;s liek sayign spicy food shoudl nto b eserved becuse you dont; liek spicy food there fore none shoudl eat spicy food. yoru analogy isnt; correct. if someoen talks about unspacy vs the federationf or m msg. it is on topic becuase it talsk about "other scifi sere" it;s not talking about your personal life nor polotics etc. it;s about the scifi worlds which do fit iunder the topic description. off topic is somthign which ah nothgint o do with the theme of the board. vs topics actually do. none of the topis you mnmentioned haev anythign to do wiht scifi, anime or macross.
  11. boot legers wil boot leg anythign that sells. they even bootleged the crappy dubbs of dbz. hg, no matter hwo badly thye handled macorss. did legitinmalty pay for it. you can't compare the two.
  12. OOOOOOOOOOhhhhh ...Well in that case I can open OT topics like -Open "The Official Strongbad News and Discussion Thread" -what I had for lunch today -how long I've been sunbathing, and what factor I used -discuss how many seconds and rotations it would take to pick a nose clean -Celebrate my Nth time drunk and how much blood there was in my vomit( ) Just remember: If you don't like 'em don't read them or reply to them (get the point?) what is vile and disgustion about a vs topic?
  13. hmm no hg paid for macross.
  14. if you dont; care for a topic you haev achoice not to reply to it or read it.
  15. you have a 1/72 yf-19 fast pack? oops meant 21 lol.
  16. theos are official. every acution has it as region 1 and it has the adv logo on it..... also buy.com has the sets.
  17. oen exampel woudl be. the marduke form macross 2 vs the un spacy of macross plu s era. who woudl win.
  18. it is much better when its; yours then wehn your lookign at someone elses.
  19. Judging by that thing on her arm, my guess is that it would Turner's other big paycheck creation, Witchblade. Tell your bud he's got skills, that's a nice pin up. I'd be curious to see if he's done any actual story - panels, etc. It's much more difficult to tell a story than do a splash like that. it;s alittl eold but I can show it. enjoy ali
  20. After seeing mr fooker's responce to this topic. I t reminded me of some history. Yes we initially said no vs topics. yes, it was agreed upon. times change. People change. hence, this Poll! Ali
  21. url for debat.e btw. you r memebr #666. man where is a priest when we need one. lol j/k
  22. sorry. i tend to speed type when working. thanks! i love it ali
  23. wohoo It came in today. my preciouse.
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