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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. go to your settings and increase the graphcsi quality. by default it;s set to very low. go to the start menu, playonline ffxi
  2. transpacifictoys
  3. if their idnividual. it;s likly they haev both . my Stargate dvd has both directors cut and theatrical cut. and i bought it for $14
  4. pop her cherry. you will nto regret it.
  5. The sun'll come out Tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow There'll be sun! Just thinkin' about Tomorrow Clears away the cobwebs, And the sorrow 'Til there's none! When I'm stuck a day That's gray, And lonely, I just stick out my chin And Grin, And Say, Oh! The sun'll come out Tomorrow So ya gotta hang on 'Til tomorrow Come what may Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You're always A day A way!
  6. cool I bought mien for $150 shipped. so it was the same price. sorta
  7. 36-19 =17 easy way to confirm 19 +10 =29 29 +7 =36
  8. buy the macross design works.
  9. please let thsi topic die. there is another one whichsi more dominated.
  10. or escaflwone
  11. chi chi chip and dale recue ranger.s man I miss that show. lol.
  12. yep there are a lot more then that. theso happen to be my favorites. batman the aniamted sereis gargoyls batman beyond invasion earth exosquad tail spin (i lvov this show) gummy bears(had a good soudn track) animaniacs pinky and the brain futurama the simpsons family guy other I forgot.
  13. strange. they work for me. ali
  14. batman th eaniamted sereis. gargoyls. you need to see more american cartoons.
  15. you have 1-3 but i'l post th elinks up anywyas. so people can downlaod them ep 1 ep2 ep3 ep 4 ep 5 ep 6
  16. no. the toys where made in japan. hasbro wanted a sereis to sell them. they HIRed marvel comics to design a story for them. Hence the marvel comics. teh animationw as doen in japan too. the characters, plot etc was all american. In fact it aird in america before it even showed it;s face in japan. as for th ecomercial breks. the edvd and other sources do not have them. Do no twatch the crap generation 2 edit. I like the theme song. it;s like arguing tha trobotech had a better theme and les comercial breaks then macross.
  17. it woudl eb fun to watch. but why bother. it;s a japanese dub of th eoirignal transformers. they hacked i tup pretty badly form waht i hear.
  18. duude it;s only on page 2. please look some more next time. topic
  19. sorry to say this but tha tone sucked. the character design was bad it self sicn ehtey changed it. they changed all th ehcaracters adn their pail comparisons to their tv counterparts to th epoin tha tthey ruiend alot of them.
  20. cools tuff but no. I migth eb wrogn abotu the trasnforming thing. it did have the same color as "the O" form zeta
  21. no. i dont; think it was amjor sereis. Not sure. i knwo all theso it wa snone of the above. ali
  22. no it was nto transformers. i was very much into transformers. it was a mecha of some type. which remdined me of macross. but diffrent. it had alot of panels and other stf fyou normaly see on meh warriors. Well... Originally mechwarrior as you may know, had VF-1s included in its initial lineup. However, when FASA got into a bit of trouble with Harmony Gold over who had the rights to the VF-1s, they removed them from the lineup. This is a very very condensed version of what happened, so you'll have to look elsewhere for more info... Now, what may be possible is that FASA produced/liscenced some VF-1 toys, however I'm not even sure of that either. yeah. it was not their varients either. i have seen theos. adn they never produced models nor toys.
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