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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. not relaly. I liek th e1j and I got hikarus's. I am happy with that. $400 is too much to pay for somthign you can get in 1/60 for aroudn 120 at soem palces. if not less.
  2. backup all important fiel on cd. re clean isntall. best way. ali
  3. you can PULL the feet out which maek ti more stable. sicne it opens wider. from your picture it seems they are in fiter mode jsut extended.
  4. orignals come with psotcards. book mar which si also a rerder slip for th ebook store a few others tuff.
  5. haha. duude!! btw. i got my 1/48 1j with armor . mahahahahahahah
  6. could you put it next to a 1/48 valkyrie for comparisons?
  7. i liive in orange county did nto feel anything
  8. did you notice how muhc a pain certian parts wehre. like putting it on it;s stand. I had to remove the legs to put them firmly on the stand then reattache the bodey to it. it is a LONg toy. even when th edragon is fully purched. if you lay it down flat i;s alot longer. I have it on my monitor now. it look s awsome.
  9. if there is one. it;s harmless. a clip from star trek lol.
  10. I got mine!! how the hell do you repalce the hand on it!!! it wotn come offf!!
  11. you shall buy me a vf1j!!!! you shall buy me a vf1j!!!!
  12. i am single and loving it!!!
  13. i saw this on tv a LONG time ago
  14. no. i was there. nada.
  15. From what Toycom mentioned, the Japan and US versions ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. He even said it is likely from the same production run. Graham if you need one let me know. -K I think Graham's trying to ask if the Escaflowne's you're selling is a domestic Toycom, or an Imported Yamato (Cause he wants directions in English.) Forgive me if it's not the case, Graham he knows. if it;s the saem production run and is the same it means the isntructiosn are bilingual. The enterprise model form bandai was. ithad both japense and english instructions.
  16. no. the vf4 was seen in the original macross sereis. hikaru playes with a model of it
  17. same improvments as lowviz
  18. Nope, the VF-1 has vertical stabilizers(tails). As far as I know, the moving parts are the rudders Graham watch psx intro to dyrl. you will see hikaru prep his plane by turning all rudders. inlcuding a pair of hoirzontal stabilizers. in case you dont; have the game you cna downlaod it here haha i think I got the nomen clature wrong. i thoguth horizontal are th eoens that keep it stabel hoirzontally. ooops/
  19. the vf1 does have horizontal stabilzers!!! teh tail fins can move .
  20. oh yeah. i am so buyign the aniemego set in ayear when i haev enough saved up. yep! the macross oen si th eonly one that intrests me. the cases look so omuch beter then the drab ones we get form most other places. thoguh th ebootlegs do look better then the animego ones. as far as the art on the boxes is concerned.
  21. on google. i did a general search for macross pictures to look at. here was the site I got the picture from from. i belive he sells them. custom dvd boxes.
  22. awsome cases *edit * foudn soem cool valkyrie art main page
  23. it says usa version wil haev netwrok play. I haev the import for th eoirignal ad it tdidi have internet play though the americna release did not.
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