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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. it dopesn on money avalability and quality. I have it on dvd already though (eg)
  2. I was in negotiations to produce a "Ninja scroll" mini comic to be released with the "ninja scroll" tv sereis. The us distribution compnay loved the idea and wanted to persue it, then the found out they did nto have the rights to do so. The oucld nto creat original content as to the agreement. If they did it would not be pretty. Bigwest etc could have stopped robotech on it;s tracks the minute it hit tv if the contract was not solid. You can;t jsut claim youhaev a right and have it be true. You either have it or you don't. As far as the franchise. if they buy DYRL you can bitch mone complaine. wont; change jack sh*t.. Peopelw ith money cna buy anything. Big west and studio nue are there to maek money. If they cna make money on a product that is 20 years old or so. they will. get with the prorgam.
  3. No. India = Bharati I lived and went to school there. yes bahart is more like nation.
  4. we do it every day. japan == nihon or nippon india == HIndustan turkey == tujkestan or tiurliya veritch is jsut what they clal it. it has a meaning of a transformign mecha for most americna who grew up wtchign robotech. i knwo it;s claled a valkyire. so do you. jsu tliek a perosn from india knwoes he is not an india but a hindustani but doesnt; give a sh*t what we call him.
  5. the vf-1 in robotech si claled a veritch valkyrie. so what if they call it a veritech. It wont; change what it is. i jsut look at ti as tomatoe and tomAto.
  6. He is the japanified name given to old rick. lol No he is hikaru's long lost twin brother!!! j.k want a dumb Sh*t lol.. not you the guy you quoted. lol
  7. They can't broadcats Robotech in Japan, we know that for certain. And I have no idea how exactly they would go about getting the footage of Macross Zero. Unless the stole it from official DVD releases. If they go the footage it means they paid the owners of the animation etc. you peopel ned to learn international copywrite and other laws.
  8. thoes games rock. chekc out my http://users.ign.com/collection/ali-sama]collection[/url]. I;d recomend zelda for personal enjoyment. Ulitmate muscle and one piece are awsome party games. the ares are fun also.
  9. You must think it's also a great thing what Joons and the Chinese bootleggers of the 1/55 Takas did. wow. that totoaly describe s a company who paid for the rights of a show. yeah it does.
  10. they alredy did this..... animeego sets.
  11. huh? mien is fine. what are you smoking? Takara MP prime uses much cheaper plastic, Hasbro has much more hardier plastic for the MP Prime. source?
  12. that is for FISSIOn. thisis FUSION. same process as in the sun
  13. LOL....not true. The 1/55 is a very tough toy. Graham my old vf1j's arm broke of rather easily. they can be fragile in soem areas. wel I had th eoirignal vf1j not th ebandai reissue. Well didn't his mom tell him that he will go blind... or his arm will fall off if he keeps doing that? Yeah. But that did nto stop you either so you should not be talking. lol. j./k serisoly the arm at teh sholder wehre itis attached othe bodey god loose then snapped off.
  14. hydrogen tanks are used in fusion. i
  15. No. they run on magic. that or protoculter. j/k fusion runs on hydrogen
  16. LOL....not true. The 1/55 is a very tough toy. Graham my old vf1j's arm broke of rather easily. they can be fragile in soem areas. wel I had th eoirignal vf1j not th ebandai reissue.
  17. huh? mien is fine. what are you smoking?
  18. man. ti;s quite druable. i transformed i to many tiems they few days I first go tit. you cna be rough with utit unlek all of yamatos relases. lol though I'm not lol.
  19. Yup. Seen the black gun version. In fact, I've seen four of them at my local Walmart. I bought one , so now there are three left. did you open that one yet? I'd like to see a picture of the grey and black gun versions side by side to what differences they made on them. Let me know. Thanx Sorry Pat. MISB for me ! why do peopel buy toys and keep them in thebox. it;s soo lame to me Honeslty. colelctors who hourd good toys and dont; allow treu fans tobuy them piss me off. not you though . your cool. btw. the sdf-1 I got form you. man I love it oso much ali
  20. for my friend. it is soo hard ot find!!
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