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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. Like what? It's been awhile but I really don't recall anything that strikes me as taken from Star Wars/Trek. frist eney you fight is a rankor, frozenin carbonite. hell one character has a positronic brain implants and anotther character comments if they wil get in trouble with star trek.
  2. that might be true for them. thena gain ever played xenogears? so many star wars stuff in there almsot as muhc as star trek stuff. Ali
  3. You don't have any evidence of that, you're out of your element. I think your heart is in the right place (Macross) but YOU need not make sweeping statments about things you know nothing about... It derails threads. My ass, your lack of evidence and sweeping statement about my sweeping statement & lack of evidence (be it very likely) is what derails threads. And that my friend is eactly my element! from what i gather about agent one's education and certifications. He knowes alto mroe about legal matters and copywrite then you and I. H e is extreemly qualified ot make such comments.
  4. I guess in thoery they can use a low viz F-14 with the kite and still get away with it. (Oh great EXO, give them more ideas... ) Now copying Mac 0's F-14! lol. yeah!!! wow. they copied macross pepsi can. dman them. they cross the line!!
  5. as i siad. if it is not used in the actual comic it;s sjtu acameo. a tribute. hell darth maul showes up in hunterx hunter. the enterpise shuttle shwos up in dragon ball. their quiet normal and fair use.
  6. it;s called fan art.. scott and lancer are out of proportion. it might jsut be eye candy.
  7. cool. i sjtu got my email formt hem theyw il send me a new disk soon wohoo
  8. when musica and bowie are walking towards a generator of soem sorts. the video goes all kaka.
  9. not more. better.
  10. Ali Sama

    1/48 valk

    NO!!!! In fact it;s the worst toy ever!!!!!! it sucks soo badly!!! Go buy the mpc it;s like the total BOMB of valkyries!!! yeah baby yeah!!! j/k I have 3 of them lol. Love them dearly. BUY BUy BUY!! oh and to your other question. Roy! How can you not want the oriignal and best skull 1.
  11. why woudl you buy alow viz to get rid of th elow viz scheme?
  12. i nevr liekd this anime. I dont; knwo why. it did not stand out to me. Ali
  13. Ali Sama


    becare full of th ehip joints.
  14. $12.49 here 11.49 here 10.99 here
  15. すごいです!!
  16. へんたいです!!!
  17. lucy!!! Sh ebe hot!! Also she isnot taken.
  18. i haev alocla game cube and I got th eswith put in. the boto disk is nto as reliable.
  19. I guess you haven't seen Ninja Resurrection or Sword For Truth yet. *puke*
  20. I have the fx. it;s pretty good. ti;s a dvd 9. Ali
  21. Not technically feasible with these valks. Holding it by the fast packs is a bad thing. In any case, I like my acrylic stands. well. the show was in 0 g. so it worked there. lol.
  22. Oh the Strike Pack sold separatly isn't the one used in the Robotech TV series. If you want real TV pack (with better grey tones, and occurate arms rocket launchers) you should buy the 1/48 1J series /w fast pack. i.e. you should buy the 1J "Rick Hunter" /w fast pack and switch it to your 1S "Roy". I know what you want because I wanted the same as you so just do what I said and don't discute it !!! Flippant_remark : several days? You mean several months, right? Yesterday I was ffrrrfffrrrrrrouusshhhhhh-ing with my toys. Lol I did that. the strike pack is on the low viz for me. I think th ejoy of a 1/48 will last a few years if not more. i I stil love to look at mine and go starry eyed. lol.
  23. Ay-ay-ay... That's what everyone always assumes, but it's just NOT true. Look hard enough and YES, there ARE Toynami valks on the shelves of stores in Tokyo. And it pisses me off. I want to know how the hell they're getting away with this. imports? same can be said about yamato toys here.
  24. MY freind jason made me watch it a while ago with him insisiting hwo cool it was. me and exo wehre tlakign about this on aim. "bad anime review" sounds like your review is bad and not the anime.
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