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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. they shipped mine on the 24th. wehre ar eyou located? it might take until monday for soem people. i am in calfornia. others go tit yesterday,
  2. if the sculpt was accurate adn it had more detail and articulation. I'd buy it.
  3. i doubt it. the "low viz" was not over priced, did not have an inaccurate sculpt on pilot and mecha, did not lack in detail and posebility, and was alimited production. if you don;t bleive me watch the scnee where the meltran comes out of her green pwoer armro and dies. she is not only bigger in respect to mecha, her position in mecha and the cockpit detail is diffrent. The pilot stands in a V position not standign standing straight up.. I wish i had $120 + to blow on thsi toy but I don't.
  4. it is during episode 19, "Crisis" on disc #4. During chapter 3 (title 5) from around 17:40 to around 23:00. I just got my repalcement dvd from adv. they just got a plus point for ease of repalcement.
  5. rofl. nice @ss damn. seh sisupposed otbe bigger also. if you see the animation. the arms go into sockets on the sides and it fits mor elike a power suite then acock pit for the aromor.
  6. Weirdo. rude
  7. there you go
  8. she seems short.
  9. it means "are you going to fart" in farsi rofl
  10. Probably around $40 i doubt it it;s probbaly inthe $20 range. at most.
  11. even though I will not get it. I Like the idea of a valkyrie for every person. I mean not everyoen can afford a 1/48 etc. hell this wil be heacpoer then a1/60. it is a good time for the not well to do macross fan.
  12. she was nto a bad minmei. her voice was the same high pitched stuff we got from japanese minmay. her songs nnoyed you however sicne thy tneded to repeat the bad ones. Also they gave her soem god awfull dialogue in some scenes.
  13. We ran those bastards off of this message board for a reason. elitish behavior is wrong in any context. besides waht do you expect with the general behavior of people towards them. Also he is aprofessional artist not a saint. Ali
  14. Ali Sama

    Got Money?

    low viz for $80. lol. on what planet.
  15. it is only domestic to one country. mw has a world wide audience. the usa is not the world.
  16. lol yeah . stupid.
  17. incorrect. this prorgam download the script for dyrl here and you can watch your region 2 on your pc with English subs. heck I am wathcign it with perfect subs now. Ali
  18. what about valkyrie exchange, twin moons, other import shops.
  19. Hopefully someone has dropped Animeigo a helpful email regarding this then. they can stop the stores in the usa/canda form selling them. but it will be hard to stop their imports trough other means.
  20. While the article notes that "there is not yet any caselaw directly addressing the issue of a Web site operator's liability for contributory...copyright infringement", and while other discussions I've found raise the point that there are strong countervailing freedom of speech issues, we all know that litigation is often won by default simply because one side has the money and the other doesn't. buying the official japanese import of macross is a copywrite infringment. think about it. hell buyign yaamto toys is also. you are buying a similar / same product from anothe rsoruce other then the company ho paid for the copywrite.
  21. It was probably a mistake. Post it again. I hope so. considering only my posts where taken off. And I did not psot to a site that sells them like the inital poster did. I just answered his question. note you need to be a memeber to see it I am posting highlights which proove the boots are animego and no self respoecting macross fan should buy them.
  22. i posted in this post showing them proof that the boot was an animeego site siting proof from another discussion gorup and tellign themto buy ligit and not go for the boots. What do i get? My post deleted. even thoguh I answered his question.
  23. yes they are boots of animeego. I had linsk up last tiem I rpleid(to proove it) it seems soemoen deleted my posts. gee thanks.
  24. that might be true for them. thena gain ever played xenogears? so many star wars stuff in there almsot as muhc as star trek stuff. Ali Super Dimension Yggdrasil anyone? it was awome when you could control it. fire main cannon!!
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