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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. they are a store. they can legaly sell anythign they want. you don't need rights to sell a product someone makes. hell they can sell yamato toys . You think bw will stop them form slelign yamato touys. rofl. True. You could always get the regular ones as Suncoast and Bestbuys. This is interesting that they are branching out like that. Man what is next. anything that sells i woudl imagine. more anime. model kits etc.
  2. Well you do need a resale or wholesale license/number for one thing. HG could have made a deal with Manga to sell thier DVDs or bought from somone who distributes for Manga. But from what I know Manga does that themselves... yep. right stuff also sells this. it;s not uncommon.
  3. this means he likes what followes and ,and he lieks 0083 H ealso lieks 0080. His question was if the moive and the ova where the same as 0083. he thought 083 was a tv show. and I was jokign around!!! chill.
  4. they are a store. they can legaly sell anythign they want. you don't need rights to sell a product someone makes. hell they can sell yamato toys . You think bw will stop them form slelign yamato touys. rofl.
  5. Rent them all first. 0080 is heavily character centric. 0083 the movie is something you should avoid like the devil avoids the cross. woman!!! he said he saw and liked 0080 and 0083. lol.
  6. i have a ps2 and a gamecube. so far no x-box title has said "buy me now". th eonly oen tha tloosk tempting is true fantasy.
  7. ty for the info. yamato is not a macross product btw.. They are one of th emanufactures of macross products not the product itself like you have stated.
  8. hate to burst your bubble. It say's on the official site there will be NO botcon exclusives thsi year as this year's con is not offical.
  9. gift for you!!! enjoy.
  10. painters usually allways paint(traditionaly) from real life samples
  11. satan has acquired Kodomo no omocha!! No!!!
  12. Really? When did you find out about this? they had dubbed 2 or 3 episodes. Some names wher changed, about it. The music was the same as sdf macross, no mention of robotechnology etc. if you go on rt.com and see the missing clips they have up. Theos are from the original english dubb.
  13. yes. there is no morality in money. Guy was a salary man doing his job. 9 out of 10 tiems you tlel your boss what to do you get fired and blacklisted.
  14. good for him. Dont; forget he was faithfully translating macross before they made him change it.
  15. prime is limited 20th aniverssay figure. I got the takara version myself.
  16. depends on the scale. it is only 6.7 meters high. compared to a vf 1a whichis 12.68
  17. will that include the twenty first finger?
  18. i wan tot go to see it. never been to a tf con.
  19. what do you take this site for? robotech.com? Opinions matter. this is not a I love everything yamato does and will buy it blindly club. if you like it. Fine. go buy it. If you dont; fine. Either way your entitled to debate and discuss your opinion. Only time will tell if thsi toy is sucessfull or not.
  20. it means "are you going to fart" in farsi rofl That's funny. Well, technically Japanese and Farsi are both in the same language family... farsi is indo european language. lol
  21. Shawn does nto read much of the topics does he. lol. Honestly. Just look at the pinned topic of the mpc and look at any rt product brought up or any product by toynamie. Debating over worth of product is not against the rules. Ali
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