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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. yes. who is that hot chick in your sig?
  2. ah I saw the first few. liekd it but wanted to wait till more are released.
  3. Well if you're going to get nitpickety, then I regret to inform you that the Naboo N-1 does NOT have interstellar capability. However, range was never mentioned in this topic, so why bother arguing about it? you mean this one Ship Classification: Naboo N-1 Starfighter Length: 11 meters Sublight Engines: Modified Nubian 221 Hyperdrive: Nubian Monarc C-4 Crew / Cargo: 1 pilot and 1 astromech droid Weaponry: Twin laser cannons and proton torpedo launcher (10 torpedoes) Special Features: Ecologically-sensitive engines starfighter implys interstellar capabilities. he shouljd have said space and star fighter sor general scifi fighters.
  4. nope. the topic is starfighters. and yues. they do. gusntar has it. 1 viper did. x-wing, a wing, b wing has that capcitu, naboo fighters do, some of th efighter sform wing commander do. etc.
  5. To me, a starfighter is: 1) A small STARSHIP with a 1-2 man crew 2) Fast 3) Manuverable 4) Varying degrees of firepower (from little, to overkill) 5) May or may not have some sort of sheilds star·ship ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stärshp) n. A crewed spacecraft designed for interstellar travel pace·ship or space ship ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spsshp) n. See spacecraft. space·craft ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spskrft) n. pl. spacecraft A vehicle intended to be launched into space. Also called spaceship.
  6. even the official site refer to it as a starfighter then their wrong. a star fighter is a fighter that travelrs intestelar distances. you cna clal anythign a star fighter but it dosnt; change the basic definiton. Nope. A hyperdrive does not a Starfighter make. At least, as far as the Star Wars universe is concerned. we are judging this based on our rules and our reality. a star fighter is liek a star ship. it travels among the stars. a space fighter like a space ship is for trans atmosphereic flight or local f space flight at best. look i tup in dictionary.com
  7. Notice I said "space only/transatmospheric and of a relativley small size" above also before you go all starwars defitions on me many of the SW novel tech books and guides refer to the TIE as a starfighter. Time to drop the bomb http://www.starwars.com/databank/starship/tiefighter/ even the official site refer to it as a starfighter then their wrong. a star fighter is a fighter that travelrs intestelar distances. you cna clal anythign a star fighter but it dosnt; change the basic definiton. ssame htign with star ship.. star ship is ship thjat can travel to toher stars,. space ship is what we have. besides star wars is bad example. lasers, turbo lasers, ligth speed, light sabre. so mmuch bad terminology.
  8. Actually, the nose of an X-wing slopes downward, so you have great forward visiblity. The pilot sits high enough that the control panel doesn't really get in the way. As for the TIE fighter, it also has upwards visiblity. But then again, looking straight up doesn't help when there's somebody on your six... My Fav fighters! Most of the Freespace designs (can't remember all the names) X-Wing B-Wing Tie Interceptor Missile Boat Some Starlancer designs (again, memory flunks on me) I think that's about it... Tie Interceptor has no hyperdrive. it's not a star fighter.
  9. lol. alot of the suggestiosn are space fighters. a sttar fighter is a fightter able to travel betweent he stars and fight there. None of the macross ighter qualify. even with a fold booster. which isa one shot travel. NONE of th evlakyries ever made are star fighters.
  10. star fighters the last star fighter gunstar star wars xwing bwing jedi fighter a wing gunbuster buster machine 1 buster machine 2 star trek peregrin favorite space fighters buck rogers main reartht fighter battles tar galactica viper cylon fighter v the visitors fighters mobile suite gundam zeta gundam core fighter for gp01 gundam wing space byeond etc. hammer head star wars tie intercepter vaders tie mospeada legiloss thread combo Babylon 5 starfury cowboy bebop bebop
  11. you know what a starfighter is right? freighters, yacts, cars, star ships and shuttels are not star fighters.
  12. yes with realistic giggle factor, ohhhh.
  13. I got a takara. love it. Almost as much as I love her. And she comes in the same colors scheme clothes too!!! btw Graham would you buy a prime if she came with it? lol
  14. Sure, if you not only like parodies, also understand the source of the parody and don't give a damn about actually following the correct dialogue and story of the anime you're watching. then just wait fora real sub. I rmemebr the dragon ball susb where they litterely translated all the names. carrot , vegetable, fried rice rofl
  15. get a grip. it is a parody sub.
  16. try again sorry I fixed the link. you can cut and paste this if it doesn;t work. http://www.apple.co.jp/quicktime/trailers/...rtel_large.html
  17. go see
  18. are you connected through your own router? I used to play online with mine for twisted metal blakc and socom etc. I didnto hav ot do anythign special Ali
  19. yes. the vhs rip release.
  20. here we go. Pal vcds tested 2 iranian movies. played well lotr fotr : played well pal dvds star wars atack of the clones: appears to be a rip of the region 1 converted to pal. worked well. soem comedy movie: worked well. they all played with no slow down. It has a good mpeg1/2 decoder card. Also I did not notice any artifacts. Ali
  21. wohoo congrats
  22. ah. hwo much is 29 dollars candain?
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