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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. no it isn't. average japense male is 170 cm.
  2. like it? I found it on a gallery site featurign th emnay enterprises.
  3. oiw oudl haev love dit if they used this design.
  4. I might be highjacking this thread a bit here, but.. I'm not really a Star Trek fan, but I occassionally peek into the discussions here and there. One site -- funny in the right light -- caught my attention: First TV Drama Enterprise Pages This guy is obviously biased, but I would like your opinions on his opinions. he says that is wrong.
  5. Actually, it's not all that limited. Char's Rick Dom is a full fledged model now. Which is complete and utter garbage, but as far as I'm concerned, anything involving that genocidal psychopath is utter garbage. char was cool till the movie.
  6. right sutff did an amazing job with tylor.
  7. yes it is the limited char mg rock dome^_- no I did not paint it came red.
  8. ty. yeah ai gree. spidey is sooo awsome. so worth it too. he is cheap.$22 with tax. Nice Spidy figure! How tall is it anyway? 18"? Is that the one selling at Wal-Mart? 18" Spidy figure yep!
  9. you mean ???? http://www.kaikodo.net/kin01/kin79.html http://www.ne.jp/asahi/star/hoshimiru/TOY/0-banchi.html I am very impressed, I thought no one knew about these toys. Another quality line from Takatoku. I wonder what today's toy scene would be like if they had stayed in business... found more toys.. here is bararic plant zero
  10. you mean ダブロン http://www.kaikodo.net/kin01/kin79.html http://www.ne.jp/asahi/star/hoshimiru/TOY/0-banchi.html
  11. ty. yeah ai gree. spidey is sooo awsome. so worth it too. he is cheap.$22 with tax.
  12. looks pretty promising. very funny dialogue. trailer
  13. dust? i jsu thaev peopel clena th ehouse once every 2 weeks and they dust.
  14. I am still learning how to pose stuff properly. Spidrman is helping me lot. i am afarid to break other stuff. so far i know how to pose spiderman and pirme well. btw.notice roy 1s is tv style? Hey... Ali. Prime is in TRUCK mode... you cant go wrong with his pose. LOL he used to be robot mode.
  15. I am still learning how to pose stuff properly. Spidrman is helping me lot. i am afarid to break other stuff. so far i know how to pose spiderman and pirme well. btw.notice roy 1s is tv style?
  16. macross gundam transformers etc.
  17. my friend took these pics 1
  18. good find.
  19. he shoudl sue I tell you
  20. once thsi surgery is done with i ma gettign the region 2(japan) ver of gunbuster.
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