Pretty uncommon???
I lived in Japan from 90-92, and I can tell you honestly that In that entire time, I only saw ONE Japanese guy that was taller than I am. I am 5'11", and this dude was HUGE, easily 6'4" or better, and trust me, he stuck out like a sore tumb.
Ali Sama's got it right, but I think that 170 cm might be pushing the upper limits of the average male height in Japan.
So, Kakizaki would be some sort of mutant by Japanese standards, hell, had he survived SWW1, he may have had a promising career as a Sumo wrestler. According to the compendium, he tipped the scales at a whopping 140 kg, that's 309 lbs!! NO WAY IN HELL his fat ass would fit in a fighter cockpit.
i'm 5 foot 8 .5 and i tower over msot japanese males.