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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. tellme how it was onc eyou see it. icq or here is cool. yeah I'll add notes to the first post of isseu speople might come across. so they don;t haev to read every post.
  2. load the zds fiel I added as a profile. (make sure itis in the right directotry) the prorgam looks for it in a certain dir. go to edi under dvd id do get disk id wrost case. it will work. remember to maek ti full screen to se the zentrady talk. Ali
  3. ahh. that explains the 53 second gap. if i can get the r2 icna time it for that too.
  4. i got them of fof scriipts online.
  5. while there was a preexisting verion for this I found that it did not work. So I downloaded some pretimed fansub scripts(which I did not do) and retimed them for the dvd. this was tricky as not only was the timing off because of the medium involed i also had to shrink the duration of the subs for them to work. i ttook me a few houres but i finnaly got it to work. The songs are subbed in this version as welll. This should work on the r0 ver of dyrl. I wil get it to work on the r2 once I get mine. wich will be a while. Unles somoen locla to me lets me borrow/ enjoy ps. you should watch this in full screen. as the zentradi subs are pretty high up there player you need this to use the subs final ver up. subs for dyrl ssa subs for dyrl for macs Attention macross 7 subs avalable!!! macross 7 subs for fx set are still in beta. but you can use them. they don't have the plus animations done yet(the normal episodes are timed and work fine). I should get to that over the weekend and get some more of the dvds done. subs for macross 7 fxdvd 1l subs for macross 7 fxdvd 2l subs for macross 7 fxdvd 3l *note* you should not extract anythign form this file just copy it to the approprate sub dir.*note* *note* you do not need a dvd burner to do this jsut a plain dvd rom. *note*
  6. as great as gettign her for a bride for free. She will coock for you pay your bills. etc. all she asks for is extra loving.
  7. i think apu needs some vaseline ocne he gets his bootleg.
  8. No. ofcorse they do. perfect trsnformation too. and perfect detail!!!
  9. you think they will go witht he semi lesbian relation ship with the girls.
  10. why should I. it is nto a review or anythign creative.
  11. Uchuu Keiji Gavan (Space Sheriff Gavan) - 1982 The first "Metal Hero" show, Space Sheriff Gavan spawned such sequels as Uchuu Keiji Shaider (Space Sheriff Shaider, 1984), Jikuu Senshi Spielban (Dimensional Warrior Spielban, 1986), and Cho Jinki Metalder (Superhuman Machine Metalder, 1987), all of which were used for Saban's VR Troopers (1994), as well as Juukou B-Fighter (Heavy Armor B-Fighter, 1995) and B-Fighter Kabuto (1996), which were adapted into Saban's Big Bad Beetleborgs (1996) and Beetleborgs Metallix (1997).
  12. pics. now.
  13. ummm... what about macross 7? it should be silly looking mehca that he does not like.
  14. FYI, I went through all 27 of the current episodes and either 1) fell asleep through each episode, 2) switched to Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger or Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, or 3) dusted off my computer. Hell, I even think watching Windows XP defragment my hard drives is more action-packed than GranSazer. i did yous ee ep 27 raw? casu et;s nto fansubbed yet. is a good site for info on this and other shows
  15. no. sorry, I like this show, it is much better then the other sentai showes currebntky offered on tv,. Go see more episodes before you revrew, honeslty, a shwo hat is 27+ eps should not be reviewd with just 1-4 eps.
  16. Crest of The Stars is hard core scifi. it is pretty good in my opitoon but nto for eveyrone. i haev heard Appleseed is godo and i have heard it sucks. Excel Saga is stupid. Plastic Little is pretty good. i love the animation. but the bouncy factor and ecchiness might thrwo peopel off.
  17. not really. character motivations are diffrent, enviroments are diffrents. Onizyka and the gal in gokusen are completly diffrent..
  18. Pretty uncommon??? I lived in Japan from 90-92, and I can tell you honestly that In that entire time, I only saw ONE Japanese guy that was taller than I am. I am 5'11", and this dude was HUGE, easily 6'4" or better, and trust me, he stuck out like a sore tumb. Ali Sama's got it right, but I think that 170 cm might be pushing the upper limits of the average male height in Japan. So, Kakizaki would be some sort of mutant by Japanese standards, hell, had he survived SWW1, he may have had a promising career as a Sumo wrestler. According to the compendium, he tipped the scales at a whopping 140 kg, that's 309 lbs!! NO WAY IN HELL his fat ass would fit in a fighter cockpit. i'm 5 foot 8 .5 and i tower over msot japanese males.
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