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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. damn cheap
  2. the price is less expensive but not cheap.
  3. Where are you finding them for $30? here
  4. No you think about it. they realese crap and sell it for $40-$50 . this tells them you will buy anything with yamato and macross on it. might as well buy the mpc. At learst you can get one for $30 now and it can transform.
  5. you call $40 or so cheap?
  6. buy fx dvd. get really drunk but not drunk enough to pass out. watch said dvd. you will see it with perfect subs and remasterd animation.
  7. that is the same picture......
  8. more pics would be helpfull. Also. man is that blurry.
  9. what kind of video card do you have? mine can output to tv. If yours can you can watch it on tv with ease. Do any video cards support component or DVI output? I refuse to use anything less with my hdtv White Comet, I believe the R2 DYRL is a dual layer disc. If it is, then you'd need a dual layer burner and media to properly burn it. Otherwise, you'd have to downsample it to fit on a regular DVDR. After going through the laborious task of subtitling it, would you really settle for anything less than perfection? mine has svhs and dvi
  10. how can you "plagerize" a design you legally own. that site needs some fixing.
  11. two???
  12. what kind of video card do you have? mine can output to tv. If yours can you can watch it on tv with ease.
  13. like it? I found it on a gallery site featurign th emnay enterprises. What's the adress? here
  14. That's your girlfriend? I hope you don't mind me saying this but...hot, damn! she is an anime otaku too.
  15. buy dvds . at $4-$5 a pop
  16. There is some disagreement about the velcro thing. Some claim to have gotten 2nd releases with velcro. The surefire way to tell the difference is to look at the headrest of the pilot seat. See this post for a picture of a re-issue headrest and more discussion of this. Best Regards, H same with vf1j hikaru mine had velkro
  17. never heard of kid actors?
  18. heh, you mean THIS l'il guy: I stuck this in there as a possible new icon. Now not sure I'm gonna use it - so if anybody else wants it, be my guest.... thanks. I will use it. Ali
  19. look here\ official site english trailer quicktime
  20. i converted them to ssa it is in the same dir . so if you can get a player that can use ssa subs you can use it for the mac ALi
  21. i have episdoe 1. it should be done in a day or two. once dyrl is done Ali
  22. Yeah, Ali and I have been at it for a while now, and made about 30 random corrections, mostly mis translations of the ranks and stuff. And a whole lot of neglected pronouns. But, I just can't take it anymore, it's 3:25 AM here, and I gotta get up in less than three hours to go to work..... What sucks is that I almost made it all the way through before I started to pass out, so only about 30 minutes left to go through.... thank you for the assists bud. you have a better eye then I do. Ali
  23. I am goin trough the movie and script fixing any mistakes or mistranslations i can catch. new ver should be up toamrrow Ali
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