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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. i have a feeling we will get to see the vf1 in ep 5.
  2. i bought it for $120
  3. yeah. I love the live action ver. the anime had to much bishonin for my tastes.
  4. I agree with you. I work in comics cause I love it. so does my boss and other people I know.
  5. comics is sensasional. bigger then life. Unless your doing a story about a normal every day person which is not as uncommon as you think. I speak from personal and professional experience. Most up and coming professional artists, at least at the beginning of their education and careers, want to be comic book or anime artists. Few of them grow out of this even upon leaving school and entering the so-called 'real world'. Of course, while most of those that do grow out of being McFarlane or Akira Toriyama copycats are more successful in general, there's still a disproportionate number of professional artists in America that still draw all their women like you see in the comics. yep. though they tend to want more anatomically correct women. i mean. the only reson you need tha tmuch sex appeal for a normal perosn is if your style sucks lol/. Depends on where you work. Some people want more anatomically correct characters, many don't. In the entertainment industries, in animation, comic books, anime distribution, and whatnot, anatomically correct isn't what sells. Sure, they want to see that you can draw correctly, if you have the basics of drawing down, then with a little effort you can train yourself into any style. However, I simply stating that the majority of those in the fields of animation and illustration like to draw stereotypical comic book/anime anatomy when it comes to women. Lots of people think that our corporate overlords strictly control every aspect of production of everything we see and hear. Sure, they stick their noses in too much, moreso in some entertainment industries and less so in others, but the multitude of people creating what we see and hear have more leeway than most seem to believe. yep. witchblade was nothing like how mike turner drew it originally. He created the entire look and feeel. even though witchblade was suppsoed to be a dark knight type sereis.
  6. comics is sensasional. bigger then life. Unless your doing a story about a normal every day person which is not as uncommon as you think. I speak from personal and professional experience. Most up and coming professional artists, at least at the beginning of their education and careers, want to be comic book or anime artists. Few of them grow out of this even upon leaving school and entering the so-called 'real world'. Of course, while most of those that do grow out of being McFarlane or Akira Toriyama copycats are more successful in general, there's still a disproportionate number of professional artists in America that still draw all their women like you see in the comics. yep. though they tend to want more anatomically correct women. i mean. the only reson you need tha tmuch sex appeal for a normal perosn is if your style sucks lol/. it usualy tends to change on the studio you work in. Avalon studios, where i work at usualy tends towards realistic art.
  7. comics is sensasional. bigger then life. Unless your doing a story about a normal every day person which is not as uncommon as you think.
  8. push it back in. push the two of the fule thansk in at the same time gl Ali
  9. Nice of you to mention that. Shouldn't that have gone in your first post? it said with some changes.....
  10. she is blond ont he site. I mde her hair green.
  11. And what's wrong with that is...? Vostok 7 Thats like putting boobs on a VF... Just lame. These are soldiers we are talking about, not porn chicks. not real life. Exactly... Think about it this way. We don't have female soldiers in Iraq running around in shiny skintight kevlar outfits, do we. No they wear combat fatigues that are designed for combat, not to be sexy. no. but. she is apilot. not a grunt.
  12. they did not. it is blond. check the site. her real color however. is green. though she is a blond in the sereis and in the original pinup.
  13. And what's wrong with that is...? Vostok 7 Thats like putting boobs on a VF... Just lame. These are soldiers we are talking about, not porn chicks. not real life.
  14. the original ver is on robotech.com
  15. You need serious help, buddy boy. =) no!! women with green hair are sexy!!
  16. july actually
  17. She looks nice with green hair lol.
  18. Ali Sama

    1/48 lineup

    he asked for group shots
  19. I'd call the low viz a fad popularity made extreem by rarirty. the most popular vf1 design is skull 1 roy then hikaru/rick 1j.
  20. Ali Sama

    1/48 lineup

  21. take her to a doctor first. she might be having an alergic reaction. nsect bites may be grouped, raised (papular), hive-like (urticarial) and have a surrounding halo. Occasionally a central depression, or punctum, can be seen. if you do not see that she has a rash.
  22. the ovas are a side story.for info
  23. here
  24. yeah. I hope m zero does not fade too quickly
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