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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. get a lawyer and sue them.
  2. she is very cute. I thought i was one of the few that thought so.
  3. pic 6 pic 7 pic 8 pic 9
  4. Edit: Didn't I delete these cause they were too big? Yeah I did so how they came back the same size? I posted them as links.... and they are the same size as the other pics othe rpeopel posted. just go here to see the pics. warning. they are larger then the typical web shots.
  5. Of or pertaining to the orient or east oriental cheese steak == east coast cheese steak.
  6. then the dreamcast should have been #1. thoes games are damn easy to burn and boot. NO chip needed.
  7. is the term outdated? yes. but your definition and use is most definitely incorrect. O`ri`en´tal Pronunciation: ō`rĭ`ĕn´tal a. 1. Of or pertaining to the orient or east; eastern; concerned with the East or Orientalism; - opposed to occidental; as, Oriental countries. The sun's ascendant and oriental radiations. - Sir T. Browne. n. 1. A native or inhabitant of the Orient or some Eastern part of the world; an Asiatic. 2. (Eccl.) Eastern Christians of the Greek rite.
  8. I still have mine. and it works.
  9. Not really, no. I know alot of people who still use this term. it is an outdated term to mean "things east of", they still refer persian rugs as oriental rugs. even thogh iran/perisa is a western asian coutry. you could use the term oriental food to a philly cheese steak sandwich if you live in california. you don't becuase it is inaccurate way of lableing them. Hell the usa is oriental when you live in japan or china. asian is not a race either. it is a continent. I am an asain yet I am white. My family has lived in asia for 1000's upong 1000's of years.
  10. How's this for low. Arafat cut/paste part of the description I used when selling a SuperOstrich. This is a link to my auction. I consider this just as bad as picture stealing Perhaps he was pissed I canceled his bids http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3191650291 he wanted to buy stuff form me. I refused to do business with him.
  11. they never realsed a tv style armor pack seperatly..
  12. in la. go down broadway. On your right there should be building with tons of smalll shops. at the end will be a toy store.
  13. there is this little shop in china town selling that for $15
  14. i prefer terran. lol
  15. they won't
  16. found pics of the smaller one
  17. To think English has stolen a lot of words from other languages There are even Latin words, which have mantained the original plural, together with a new English standard plural (ie: pollex/pollices). I am not sure if I agree with that kind of division, but if you speak a language you think in a certain way. For istance, American natives can speak English very well, maybe they don't even know their original language, but they speak English in the same way the would have spoken American "Indian". At least that's what I've read in a book. This is why American natives and American don't get on very well. The American native normally doesn't speak to people he doesn't know, while the American seems to consider courtesy entertaining with some talking people he found in public. The American native makes longer pauses in his speech, but it doesn't mean he has finished, while American makes smaller pauses, often interrupting the American native (that after the American native was forced to talk). To finish things, the American native thinks peoples don't own time, so he doesn't say good-bye, and the American found that very impolite. FV interesting link
  18. But, linguistically, most all of Europe (east and west) is part of the Indo-European family. This indicates a common place of origin. A bit of trivia: Lithuanian is considered the closest modern language to the original Indo-European root language. And to show why race isn't used and language is, Korean, Japanese, Farsi and Turkish are all part the altaic language family indicating a common place origin. But, by common standards, Koreans/Japanese and Persians/Turks are part of two different races. yeah. so are the languges in iran, india afaganistan etc. all indo eurpean.
  19. That might present problems. I speak English fluently, as do I Viet-Namese. What am I? Remember, I speak both in everyday conversations. It's not like either is a foreign language I have learned. your an amercian. lol. I speak farsi and english fluently. I undresand hindi and urdu fluently. what does tha tmake me rofl.
  20. I am a white asian and proud of it.
  21. i doubt it. the vf1 had stiff competition. this has nothing.
  22. actually the middle east is a term similar to the orient. Most of the middle east is asian. the rest are africans.
  23. i got mine at animenation
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