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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. thats the armada jet fire. yep, got him used, dirt cheap.
  2. thanks i got some transformers on sale so that will be added once they arrive,.
  3. lol. what are you smoking. honeslty. have you seen a gakken.
  4. why bother. they will make them all
  5. pics of alpha for mechamaniac and you guys
  6. on mine the langind gear does work like it is supposed to,. and i dont; have the sam epaint problems.
  7. quick review fighter: solid once you push the boosters togrhter the wheels are apain totake out but they do th ejob. gaurdien/gerwalk/dive whatever look ok. arms are floppy. soldier/battleoid mode looks cool. but the cockpit is floppy in the back. it could fall down ifyou turn it upside down but i have nto tried doing that, side not. be damn carefull with KNEE CAPS. do not force them. trat them gently. the frotn pegs cmae off easily. puttign them back in is easy but. if they do it too often they can snap. sorta like the tab on th e1/60 yamatos. or th ebackback hing on th e1/48 . be gentle. . it comes wiht a good amount of stickers. the only problems are mentioned above. it has some cool gimmiks like the storage area for cyclone cna actually hold the cyclone.
  8. I got mine. number is 1924. review and pics forthcoming once i have a chance
  9. This is my first time ordering through Kevin (or any web-dealer, honestly). About how long can I expect to wait before he asks for the payment? I don't think I've ever quite been this eager to send someone else huge gobs of money before he should have already emailed you about payment. email him and ask That did the trick, thanks. Apparently, VE is having trouble with giving a message to Paypal memebers. glad I could help
  10. This is my first time ordering through Kevin (or any web-dealer, honestly). About how long can I expect to wait before he asks for the payment? I don't think I've ever quite been this eager to send someone else huge gobs of money before he should have already emailed you about payment. email him and ask
  11. kevin is shipping today. for thoes who ordered through him
  12. as far as I know their sold out, quality wise it is awsome.
  13. he is picking them up. hopefully he ships them same day.
  14. i filled it out for you
  15. *steals your candy*
  16. I am going to kick your ass when we meet next.
  17. i have all 3 of them,. max milliya and hikaru. they rock, it is the luck of the draw. I paid $178 for hikaru shipped but got the macross 0 dvd ep 3 with it for free. which was cool. right now I have 5 1/48s 1 tv super vf1s roy(he is wearing hikaru;'s tv armor and arms) 1 strike low viz 1a(got the fast packs from kevin) 1 vf 1j hikaru 1 suepr vf1j max 1 vf 1j super mirria I got max and mirria from kevin both for $320 whahahahahhahahh i got the gunpod to fit. it is alittle tight though like you mentioned. it looks awsome though,
  18. i have both and their fine.
  19. B to the U to the M to the P
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