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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. in superfriends superman flys by the bridge section of the sdf-1
  2. One big diffrence here... In the GBA the 8-bit GB processor is inacessable in GBA mode(total waste of a chip, and evidence to support my belief that the GBA was rushed to market to stop Bandai and SNK). In the DS both CPUs operate in parallel in DS mode. And the performance disparity is small enough that the system can really be considered a dual-proc device. Anyways... I'll trade my GBA in for a GBColor when I get a DS. Neither incarnation of the GBA is really pleasing to me(one's got a crappy d-pad, the other's too damn small). The DS has neither unit's flaws(well, not untill the LiIon packs start failing...). And while teh GBC isn't my favorite system ever, it's the most convenient 8Bit GB. you will need an sp should you want to play gba games with others or hook stuff up to the gamecube.
  3. i jsut got my ds. good system
  4. i just found out you can combine armada jetfire and overload,. where jetfire becomes overlaods legs.
  5. His and Her Circumstances (aka Kare Kano) (box set on sale this week for 40 bucks at right stuf) --- BORING Ah/Oh My Goddess OVA and Movie --- ova good movie ok Ai Yori Aoshi (original + Enishi) ---- ok so far Chobits ---- i liked it . on the ecchi side. Please Teacher/Please Twins teacher good. twisn blah. lesbian enuendos and other crap nto make good anime. Saikano (She the ultimate weapon) -- so far so good Kimagure Orange Road (48 episodes+ova's and movie, so pretty long) - good, I like this one. mi is th eonly oen that beats it, int htis list Fushigi Yugi (52 episodes + ova's=very long as well) - decent. very soapoperaish. Maison Ikkoku (really really long) -- love it best of the list i wooudl also recomend midori no hibi and touch
  6. I just gt my set. I am watchign and fixing english subs for it.
  7. Well, I guess I'll just go buy Cutie Honey on DVD instead. if you want story character devleopment plot this movie is for you if youw ant mindless action then skip it
  8. dvd is out
  9. found the artist the site
  11. As awfull as the Sentinels were, and as lame as the uniforms were, they were a hell of a lot better than the pink football pads that Basara wore in M7. lol. yeah. i like th enew uniform. ntw can you go on msn. i need some advice for work out options. danke ali
  12. that would make it roughly 64/64 bucks each valk no? that is standard price.
  13. eithe rpozac or get really stned and drunk, otherwise the plot will make NO sence to you
  14. better pic of the sdf-4
  15. I can verify that you are not having problems with your player. I'm having the same problem. There is also problems with not hearing the soundtrack in the background, especially in the Death Star battle. You can barely hear the music at all, and that is with it being set on all ranges. And all those purple flashes when something explodes is getting to be really annoying. What the hell is up with that? what ver do you have? mine is fine, i hqve widescreen
  16. no. they have buy it now for 73 and 10 dollqr shpping. add them up. most retailers sell at 80 with free shipping. which one is the better deal??
  17. b to the u to the m to the p
  18. Pat, Can you do a side by side comparison of the 1/48 Imai Kit vs the Toynami? I have the Imai kits also and wonder if I should just stick with them and add mods or really consider the Toynami Alpha and attempt to fix the problems. Which one looks best in fighter, gerwalk and battroid mode? Fit and finish (I know the Imai is more delicate) and overall details? he did . look at earlier posts.
  19. cool/cute animation
  20. email toynamie they will replace it
  21. here is a cool looking gundam, lol,
  22. didn't you read what I posted? I said it was the jetfire from armada. You haven't seen that before? It's pretty old now. It was new like last year. people don;t bother reading details
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