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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. that is from the sereis  わかりません。
  2. mirrored at my site for your convenience
  3. rule oif thumb. allways buy form kevin unless he does not carry it.
  4. so ur sayin' u got urs already? yep whahahhaha you totally suck dude nah just messin! lol. i'll put pics up of my collection next weke. now i have both skull squads setup
  5. so ur sayin' u got urs already? yep whahahhaha
  6. the third release is pretty good imho. thnaks kevin.
  8. wohoo when do you think you will ship?
  9. thanks. keep us updated
  10. i got it today. decent set
  11. nice fake.
  13. Look at my pic on page 74 and you'll see where that washer goes. It's a massive design flaw that should have never been made. The washer pops out during T-formation. This is why everyone has floppy arms. The washer needs to be glued onto the post on the bicep. I did this and no more flopy right arm. Ah, I remember that picture now. Is the bicep easy to take apart? Mine came apart pretty easily but it already had a big gap in it. You may be able to put the washer back in without taking it apart though. If you lift up the dicast piece and flip up the tail fin you can see where the washer goes. I think you could use some forceps or tweezers and alot of patience to get it back in. edit: got bored and drew a diagram. i tried it that wya . did not work. the peg is easily removed. just take it out. put the washer back in. and wedge it back in. the red part might open up slightly but it is easy to push it back into place. ali
  14. There was a reigon 1 DVD release of Gunbuster? When? I mean I know the region 2 DVD release rocks.... but I thought MANNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAA was still sitting on the rights to it and had yet to produce a region 1 DVD... I'm sure this list only concerns R1 releases. Aha, I knew ADV published Newtype USA... hence the whole "why would they need paying they are making money off Robotech, thing" I also sensed you were being sarcastic... so was I. no. I have the r2 remastrs. it comes with a nice booklete card some other cool bonus crap.
  15. macross is the worst.
  16. How Duke knows what his penis tastes like is another story... your just jealouse. lol
  17. best anime of all time : gunbuster best dvd realese of an anime of all time: gunbuster best ova of all time: gunbuster need i go on?
  18. Tell us! Don't keep it a secret! i am goign to make soem sketches and see if I can get a sculpter to help me make it not even a tiny hint? your so cruel! lets sjut say he will look liek his aniem robot form and the gun will be right as well.
  19. Tell us! Don't keep it a secret! i am goign to make soem sketches and see if I can get a sculpter to help me make it
  20. i figured out how to make a mp megatron whahaha
  21. their a good store but for somthign this limited i went for right stuff. they have closer realtions with bandai and can get stock easier.
  22. thanks kevin
  23. it was an episoe where superman was flying in space. he passes a jupter type planet and an alien space station(breif second) that spacestation is the sdf-1 head
  24. Seriously? Anyone got a screengrab of that? i used to have it but I cant; find it anymore. sadly.
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