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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. why not get the hasbro one. its cheaper. Many people prefer the Superlink version because it's got more paint applications. looks the same as mine/
  2. why not get the hasbro one. its cheaper.
  3. i got a hlj shirt form thm for free and it fits just fine.
  4. my room is excelet for toy storag.e send them here.
  5. anime /scifi party. Food drink movie video games. here is my dvd list pm me or email me for directions. party is now at my house. Party is feb 26th.
  6. how was daredevil miscast????? Barb Wire (1996) [garbage] Batman Returns (1992) [Could have been better, but not terrible] Batman Forever (1995) [Done way too over the top, had potential with a good cast but way too overdone.] Batman & Robin (1997) [does not exist in my mind] Blade (1998) [was better then the comic] Blade II (2002) [see Above] Blade Trinity (2005) [Haven't seen yet, but will] Brenda Starr (1989) [Never heard of it] Catwoman (2004) [Never saw it have no intent to. catwoman is white damn it] Daredevil (2002) [good movie. most complaints come from people whohave not read the damn comic...] Elektra (2005) [i want to see it] The Fantastic Four (1994) [never existed] The Hulk (2003) [jen conly is the only good thing in this moive] Mystery Men (1999) [i love this one] The Phantom (1996) [i liked it] Popeye (1980) [Loved it as a kid, haven't seen it in so long I have no idea how it was anymore.] The Punisher (2004)['good casting, good plot dialoge. distroyed with horrible fiming, fx music lighting etc.] The Shadow (1994) [i love this moive] Spawn (1997) [stupid moive] Steel (1997) [they needed to actually stick with who steel was] X-Men (2000) [loved X2: X-Men United (2003) [loved]
  7. yamato did not make a 1/55
  8. 1/72 = 3 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 3 fast packs 2 *stats updated* 1/72 = 3 1/60 = 5 1/48 = 7 *stats updated* 1/72 vf11b vf19 game color yf21 with fastpacks 1/60 dyrl hikaru/rick tv cannon fodder dyrl vf1j hikaru super dyrl roy 1s strike dyrl roy 1s gbp armor 1/48 hikaru/rick dyrl 1a strike hikaru/rick tv 1j hikaru/rick tv 1s super aka skull 1 from tv max dyrl low viz 1a strike max tv 1j super milliya tv 1j super roy dyrl 1s strike
  9. but... Mr O'Mara... you're caucasian... if us Asians had a "secret code" you wouldn't know what it is... me love you long long time?
  10. damn that worked. they even called in their girl friends to join. you rock man.
  11. if youw ant a grimlock my local target has soem left. i can get you one. Where's your local Target. If it is close to Los Angeles, I'll just drive over and get one. orange county. about 40-60minute form downtown. the one on bake drive.
  12. you mean cwith the armorm not fastpacks lol. I got the seperate set and put it on a roy. I have a 1j hikaru ready for th e1/48 one. so I 'd prefer the stand along ver. Hehe. That is why I have a couple of VF-1Js FPs. I use those FPs on my LVs. And i already used one of the FPs on my VF-1S Hikaru TV. i used mine on a tv vf1s. I swaped the pilots and put on the fast packs whahahah i ahve tv skull sqakd and movie one too whahahahaha. Ali
  13. if youw ant a grimlock my local target has soem left. i can get you one.
  14. Interesting!!! I'm really looking forward to see this complete. I noticed that OP has his arms tucked in like in cab mode?? ~Tico yeah originma ultra magnus transformed liek that
  15. you mean cwith the armorm not fastpacks lol. I got the seperate set and put it on a roy. I have a 1j hikaru ready for th e1/48 one. so I 'd prefer the stand along ver.
  16. i am interested.
  17. anyoen know when c3 and c4 for the cnstructicns will be out?
  18. i disagree that all valks need fast packs
  19. Good for you, Once you realy get into the 1/48 line, you'll only use you 1/60s to simulate crash landing and to throw around the room to simulate real flight. The 1/48, I'd say, is the ultimate 1/60 killer. i like me 1.60's
  20. thats a trip..is that fan art or somthing??? i think so i saw it on a japaense mecha fan site.
  21. here is one i found.
  22. i put my cell in this a while ago whahha. just let them try and call me
  23. just do what i did. put the ij hikaru in a 1s and put on the tv fastpacks. pretty easy.
  24. you suck exo. you never call never im, *crys*
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