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Ali Sama

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Everything posted by Ali Sama

  1. if you like comedy: gto , gokusen, love hina, gokusen candidate for goddess azumanga dioh scifi: macross, gundam. gall force, buggle gum crisis, gene shaft hardcore fantasy lodoss wars ova and tv scrapped princess scifi/fantasy comedy world of narue, tenchi(frist ovea dn universe an dmoives are good) ko centry beast, slayers, bastard action: grove adventure rave action horrer 3x3 eyes taek alooka t my list i catagorize them Ali
  2. so? lots of bad moives are made.
  3. yes. more pay == more effort into work. Tell that to the brain dead shufflers at any unionized US automobile plant. diffrent job diffrent skills needed.
  4. yes. more pay == more effort into work.
  5. most of the dialog form robotech comes directly from original dialogue.
  6. nice article yeah they are. which ones. hmm. the guy who did scott. his acting was just fine 20 years ago.
  7. How is that a good thing. Unions are a horrible thing. Are you implying that the vioce actors could be of a higher calliber than the first RT show? union actors are better yes. why you ask? watch any anime enlish dub(none union actors_ and stuff from wb etc. jlu, batman (they use union actors) non union actor is anyone who is willing to do a voice. cheap and usually cant; act worht poo. Union actors: are certified by the union. can act(usually) cost more. get royalties etc. yes. they will be.
  8. good news: they used union actors for the new ova.
  9. toy district? i went to china town. only found the mini ones for $5
  10. where cna i buy the gaogaigar knock offs
  11. Ali Sama

    Diaclone SDF?

    i got an oriignal along time ago for $90
  12. Depends. Complete, $250-$300. incomplete over $200 depending on incomplete. MISB-$1000 I paid about $450 for the first USS Flagg I bought (the one in the pics) about a year ago. It came 100% complete (pretty rare when you count all the small pieces & often lost pieces like the deck clips, fan tail guard rail, speaker/horn system, etc.). The second USS Flagg I bought was about $350 and is only missing two deck clips. It has about 85% of the stickers still on the sheet and looks like it was built and displayed for about a day and then put back into the box. That Flagg is in storage at my parents house because I only have room to display one right now. I use the USS Flagg as a backdrop primarily for my GI Joe collection, which is much more extensive than my Macross collection, but I always have fun landing a new Valkyrie on the deck for the first time and then launching it again. Much more fun than the two Skystrikers I usually have parked on it. It has plenty of room even for the 1/48's and 1/55's, but just imagine how many Yamato 1/60's would fit on the deck... you shoudl get the sd/jke machines or th etoynakie eq. and use them to crew the ship lol
  13. thanks!!!
  14. can;t you renew the lease?
  15. higher quality with sound
  16. i tried doiing a search and could not find them Ali
  17. i put the escaflowne sword on my 1j. it fits nicly Ali
  18. I'm assuming you mean CM's GGG, right? How do you like it? I love my old Takara GGG, but I'm constantly tempted by CM's swanky new version. I wouldn't have to put so much thought into it if it was a little cheaper. Keeping vaguely on topic, would anyone else like to see Cyclone Morphers? I didn't much care for the Valk morphers (mostly because of the far superior JMs), but the Alpha morphers were pretty cool. Not sure how the concept would work with ride armor, but I'd like to see them done in the SD style. i got it for $150. Has not arrived yet. will this week Ali
  19. here type in your nick and #macrossworld for the room
  20. This is really great to hear. If it turns out to be unanimous that Lancer is a winner, I'll have to seriously consider getting one. At the rate the improvements seem to be going the Shadow should be a real gem. I can't wait! I would still like a 'perfect' Scott Alpha to replace the one I got rid of (which was actually on the sweeter end of the banana than most of the ones released). Maybe once these have all gone through their runs Toynami can go back and do that one right. I doubt it will happen, but it would be nice. I'm still holding a candle for a kick-ass Ride Armor toy, too. i wil get one later on. jsut bought a gaogaigar
  21. yeah but not eveyroen can compare to you bud. btw. go on msn if youc an. we need to talk.
  22. not really. macross is more like the battle star galactica of anime. But your comparison is wrong. anime is not a genre.
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